
What happens with Choak?

Nora and Nathan continue their investigation into the Freeyond Foundation, learning that the organization has bought the code to Nathan’s project, which is essentially the foundation of what Freeyond represents.

Nathan realizes that he put a backdoor into his own code, which he can unlock using a retina scan – if it’s still active. Nora realizes that they need allies to help them out, and that means bringing Matteo into this, Nora’s “now-ex” boyfriend.

Does Nathan choose to raise Ingrid’s baby?

Ingrid and Nathan’s digital baby is the focus of the drama. Ingrid wants Nathan to carry the baby for them but he gets cold feet. He tells Ingrid if she wants a baby then she needs to carry it herself and take in that responsibility. Eventually he tells her the truth – he doesn’t want a baby and certainly doesn’t want a relationship.

Ingrid tells Nathan that she’s found a way to save him. She’s been growing his body back to life, which is 98% complete. That way, Nathan can have his data downloaded and head back to the real world. Oh, and Ingrid also breaks the news that she’s not really dead either - she’s been fooling him the entire time. ..

Nathan realizes he doesn’t owe Ingrid anything and he walks away, whooping and cheering.

Does Nora manage to convince Matteo to help out?

Nathan’s new data-downfolding method has allowed Luke to form a strong friendship with Nathan. After playing some fitting music, Luke hugs his friend warmly.

Lucy promotes Aleesha again, giving her a pay rise to 100,000 pounds a year and a potential upgrade on her current apartment, which comes equipped with a massage wall.

Nora, a community leader who spoke to Pastor Robb about what’s happening, praises Nathan for his dedication to saving the community and stopping Freeyond.

With only two days left, Nora convinces the community to join her in order to work together and knock out all of the locations in one go.

What happens at the research facility?

Nora immediately shows up at the research facility, facetiming with Nathan and going through all the tanks to try and find where he is. Well, they needn’t have bothered as Ingrid happens to be by Nathan’s side, talking to his unconscious body. She claims that he belongs to her and is “all she has.”

Nora and Matteo agree to help Ingrid bring Nathan back. Nora claims that Ingrid is a wonderful person and will find someone to love – but it’s not Nathan. They want her help to bring Nathan back. Eventually she agrees to help.

While Matteo takes Nathan’s body out of the tank, the receptionist, who’s tied up in the storage closet, manages to phone the police and bring them in to help. As the cars come racing to the facility, Matteo works to download Nathan’s consciousness back… and it works!

Where are Nathan and the others going? What happens to Ingrid?

Nathan and Nora’s lovemaking on the Hyper-loop is a hot and sweaty affair. Nathan returns to the real world in this cloned body, and inevitably sleeps with Nora when they lay down on the Hyper-loop. They head back to New York, where their cramped compartment is home to their lovemaking.

Ingrid is not done scheming. Back home, she finds one of Nathan’s hairs on her brush and decides to use that as DNA to try and either grow another clone of Nathan or raise a young baby of her own, just like she wanted. ..

How does Upload Season 2 end?

As the episode ends, we cut back to Nathan who splashes his face with water following his session with Nora. The only trouble is, he starts to bleed. Uh oh, does this mean he’s going to die? We’ll have to wait and find out as we end on a cliffhanger!

The Episode Review

With Nathan’s return to New York and his ties with Nora seeming stronger than ever, Choad is still a threat and it’s left unresolved whether he’ll actually get his comeuppance or not.

The showrunners at Upload have been struggling this season, with the tone not quite hitting the right balance. However, Luke delivers some of the best laughs this episode. However, some of the weaker episodes come from the tone.