One Plus One Equals Two

In the eighth episode of The Boys Presents: Diabolical, Stan Edgar invites Homelander into The Seven. We’re in flashback territory as Homelander struggles with the crowd. Eventually though Noir is brought in to soak up the limelight, given he’s the number one right now. ..

Homelander takes control of the situation and refuses to be ordered around. He jumps into the thick of the action, shooting at the gunmen while also saving one of his hostages. This selfless act earns him a commendation from his superiors.

Noir, the protagonist of “The Seven,” is a ruthless killer who only sparingly shows mercy to those he encounters. When one woman remains alive after the massacre of hostages and crooks, Noir takes an interest in her. He believes that Homelander, the man who created The Seven, wants him gone so he can take over the gang. ..

That’s not the case though, as we know, but an explosion destroys the chemical plant completely while Homelander chases Noir around the plant.

Nora is taken captive by a terrorist group and is killed before she can tell anyone about the bomb. Noir takes her body and writes out a statement for the police, claiming he tried to stop the bomb but it blew up before he could do anything about it.

Homelander’s ratings are on the rise while Noir sips his coffee and watches from afar. ..

The Episode Review

In the final episode of The Boys Presents Diabolical, Homelander enters The Seven as a new player. Seeing his ties to Noir and how the roles were actually reversed, with Noir the big shot and Homelander just a sidekick, works well to change the balance of power.

It’s a great way to explore Homelander’s troubled past and the ways that it has shaped his character. The episode manages to spin all the usual tropes and ideas from The Boys into this, which is backed up by a solid standalone chapter to round out this anthology.