An Animated Short Where Pissed Off Supes Kill Their Parents

The Boys go to Vought and demand to know what’s going on. They’re told that the serum is making them super, but they can’t control their powers. The Boys are angry and want to know why they’re being given this serum. They’re told that it’s for the good of the world, but they don’t believe it. They think that it’s a scam. The boys start to get their powers back and realize that they can’t just leave Vought alone. They have to take down the company and save the world from them.

Ghost and the others head to see Denis, the guy in charge of Vought Parental Protection. They demand the files on their parents, determined to gain their revenge. Among those heroes is Papers, who manages to control – yep you guessed it – paper. However, it’s Ghost who manages to find the addresses.

A family road trip turns into a bloody nightmare when the group’s leader, Mo-Slo, decides to take revenge on his parents one by one. The surreal and gruesome montage shows Mo-Slo methodically killing his father with a slow and humorous touch. ..

This bit of levity paves the way for the final stop – Ghost’s house. She approaches her father and tells him she doesn’t even want to be alive but has no choice, she’s stuck in this ghost form. In slow motion, she plunges a knife into his face. ..

The Narrator finally has the last laugh, killing his father and narrating that he’s put his own father’s face on, looking in the mirror and saying “I love you.” ..

The Episode Review

This episode works really well to show the horrors of superhero powers and how everything can go wrong if you’re given bad powers to work with by default. This manages to add a rather poignant tone to proceedings, with these kids abandoned by their parents but ultimately just wanting to be loved. ..

There is an undertone of poignancy and pity towards these kids, while also including nods and references to the actual Boys series to make this feel like it is part of the same universe. ..

As a minor gripe, I found the voice of Justin Roiland’s character, Papers, to be distracting. Still, it’s not a complete deal breaker, as this episode bows out what’s otherwise a really solid chapter.