The Final Push

Sophie runs to Baden’s apartment, struggling to hold back tears as the memories of the past taunt her mind.

Sophie continues running, making it back home where James is chatting to Inspector Seager from SFPD. He’s there about Baden, and specifically the fight that happened earlier in the night. Sophie brings up the affair, but the officer is already aware of this. In fact, he decides to question Sophie alone at the dining table.

It turns out that Seager has also been investigating and believes the jump could well have been deliberate and she may have been “waiting for the right moment and place.” Just before he leaves, he hands over his card to Sophie, encouraging her to ring and urging her to go back to the beginning and look deeper into this as there could well be more to the story than meets the eye.

James confronts Harrison about what’s been going on and urges him to stop getting involved as he only makes things worse. It seems that he could be involved in Baden’s murder but we’ll have to wait and see on that account.

Sophie is in the bathtub and it doesn’t seem to be working. She’s also annoyed because the dripping tap is a bit of a pain.

Sophie decides to discard some of her belongings, not seeing their emotional significance and wanting to get rid of extra stuff she doesn’t need. Sophie urges James to stand by her side through this, believing they can come out of this stronger together.

Hannah is pleased with Sophie’s progress. Hannah admits this case was uncharted territory for her and wasn’t sure it would even work. But it would seem like it has and after thanking Hannah, Sophie leaves.

That night, a big work do gets underway and Sophie ends up giving a scathing assessment of Harrison. His smug demeanour and believing he’s a good guy; one of these days James will see him for who he really is. Harrison’s smile disappears completely upon hearing this.

Sophie’s happiness appears to be a front as she drives her car over to the bridge later that day and goes for another run. The next scene, we cut to James who receives a call from the police. Sophie’s things have been found and James is forced to answer honestly about Sophie’s history of suicide. It would seem like it’s happening again but we’ll have to wait and see if this is really true.

James is left with a note after Baden’s death. Sophie blames him for what happened and confirms they can’t come back from that. Sophie decides to do what she should have done before.

Caroline arrives at the morning meeting to comfort James, pointing out that she’s done this before and she could come back. Not only that, but Hannah too believes Sophie may have committed suicide given she exhibited all the signs before leaving; telling people the truth, being overly happy etc.

James struggles to get his life back in order after his wife, Sophie, killed Baden and caused a rift in their marriage. He blames himself for what happened and takes the fall for Harrison, knowing that Sophie would protect him and not his colleague.

James is upset and frustrated. He goes to the bank and learns that the money in his account was actually Caroline’s. James is rattled and shows up at the bank. There, he learns that Sophie may well have taken the money out and run. James realizes that Sophie may have taken the money out of his account because she was worried about what he would do if she found out he had it.

James manages to get into Sophie’s Apple account and notices a video from Sophie. In the video, she tells James nonchalantly that they’re not good for each other. “An innocent man died because of what you did” I mean innocent is doing a lot of heavy lifting here given he was stalking her, but I digress. Sophie believes James deserves all of this as he lied and changed their life when she woke up. ..

Sophie’s behaviour is revealed in flashbacks as she heads to a storage warehouse across the street from her home. Inside, she finds a blue key with the word “terminus” on it. This belonged to a storage warehouse just across the street and she finds a single bag on the floor. Inside the bag, she finds a phone, cash and one contact – Eliza Huntley. There’s also Tess’ passport too. It’s everything she needs to get away.

We return to James, who hears Sophie sign off with a goodbye and a “see you on the other side.” As for Sophie, she adopts her Tess persona and makes it back to the UK. James leaves her a message though, pointing out that he loves her and her past is a dangerous place to visit. And we end on a cliffhanger as a woman leaves a bar (presumably this Eliza Huntley character) and asks Tess just what she’s doing there.

The Episode Review

After 8 episodes of a mystery-but-not-really-a-mystery, we’re bait the prospect of a second season where we explore more of Sophie/Tess’ past. My question is, why would we want to? Sophie has proven herself to be a pretty horrible protagonist.

So far, so good. But what if we’re not sure who this protagonist is? What if they’re not even real?

In episode 6 of the show, Sophie confronts her past and manipulative ways. She also shows that she is willing to work hard for her goals, even though James wasn’t exactly onboard with this at first. This episode was a step in the right direction for Sophie and hopefully will help her move on from her past.

Sophie decides that James deserves everything he has coming for him, punishing the guy over her mistakes regarding work and, more importantly, the fact he had nothing to do with her jumping. This whole hook ended up being a switch and bait as in the end, it turns into more of a whydunit rather than a whodunit.

Whether Apple will actually greenlight a sequel to this one or not remains to be seen but given the tepid reaction from both critics and audiences to this, I’m failing to see the need for it. Either way, we wrap up most of the big plot points but also leave a lot of unanswered questions too. As far as finales go, this one was average at best. ..