The Tortoise and the Hare

In the first episode of Season 3, we follow the story of Andre Layton, a man who has been running the train. We see him struggling to keep things running and trying to find a way to save the train and all of its passengers. We also see how Mr Wilford has been helping Layton out and how they have been able to get by with just a few trains.

Since Alex and Layton started working together with Bennett, they’ve been looking for a habitable spot on the planet. Thanks to Melanie’s research, they’re continuing the work she started and seemingly making good progress.

The train’s thermal switches blow, sending alarms wailing up and down the carriage. Alex suggests they abandon the plan, leaving Layton in a difficult position. Eventually he decides to continue on for as long as they can. ..

As Ben slips and falls through the ice, Layton and Josie try to save him. However, they are focused on getting him back to safety.

Alice, the working class, has come together under Big Alice. Ruth, a part of the resistance against Wilford’s rule, is eagerly awaiting the return of Layton and the others. ..

Wilford tasks Kevin with finding out who the ringleader behind all of this is. Wilford encourages him to be creative in order to get results.

In the latest episode of “Stranger Things,” Kevin discovers that bath tokens are being used as an incentive for services to the resistance. The blame falls squarely on Watermaster Arnaldo Reyes. Although, as we saw earlier in the episode, it’s Pike who’s distributing these out. ..

Ruth begins to feel like she’s a prisoner in her own body, constantly being chased by the man with the knife. She’s not sure how much longer she can keep up this game, but she has to find a way out.

Back on the Snowpiercer, things take a turn for the worse when Till is knocked out and imprisoned, leaving Miss Audrey released from lockup with the help of Martin. ..

Audrey heads to the engine room and decides that Alex should join Wilford and the others rather than helping Layton.

In the latest twist in the Audrey and Alex mystery, Till manages to break free from her captors and knocks out Audrey. Unfortunately, she also seems to have got through to Alex, who begins questioning whether their choice is correct or not. She does eventually succumb and stop the train, but it feels like an ominous sign of things to come.

Layton manages to save Ben from the reactor, but is then attacked by a masked figure in a red costume. ..

Layton manages to overcome her though and eventually the group make it back to the Snowpiercer, with Layton carrying this woman over his shoulder.

As the episode ends, we get a look at Layton’s attacker – briefly anyway – as she recovers on one of the beds. Layton reflects on his time on the ice, as flashes of a strange tree echo through. Could this be a sign?

The Episode Review

The idea of a world where people are forced to use trains to get around is an interesting one, and it works surprisingly well in terms of the worldbuilding. The trains are a convenient way to move around, and the idea of people being forced to use them makes for an interesting setting.

In this episode, we follow the resistance movement against Wilford’s train. Ruth is all in on following Layton and remains dedicated to his cause.

That’s a risky move, especially as we know how ruthless this man can be. Unfortunately, that much is true here as the Watermaster meets a grisly end for helping the resistance. ..

Wilford is catching up to the train. ..

The fate of the world rests on the balance between the two trains. For now, Snowpiercer starts off promising.