Episode Guide

Donkey – The donkey is a four-legged animal that is used for work. It has a review score of 4/5 from the Hive and 3/5 from the Hair. Hive – The Hive is a website that provides reviews of different products. They gave the donkey a review score of 3/5. Hair – Hair gave the donkey a review score of 2/5. Ring – The ring has a review score of 2.5/5 from them. Tiger – Tiger gave the donkey a review score of 3.5/5. Fish – Fish gave the donkey a 4/5 rating, stating that it was “a fun fish to play with.” Camp – Camp gave the donkey a 3.5/5 rating, stating that it was “a great place to spend summer days.” Donut – Donut also gave the donkey a 3/5 rating, stating that it was “a delicious donut.” Commitment – Finally, commitment rated the donkey 2.5/5, stating that they found it to be “committed to its cause.” ..

AppleTV’s promising horror/mystery series returns with a meandering, lackadaisical story that doesn’t really do anything particularly impressive with its 10 episode run-time.

The 10-episode series “Stranger Things” released its first episode on July 15th, and while it has some brilliant moments, it’s quickly overshadowed by the monotonous drama that doesn’t really advance the story all that much. ..

In the season 2 finale, Leanne moves in with Sean and Dorothy after she and Jericho were kicked out of their apartment. Julian is still lurking around but he’s kicked his alcohol addiction and instead is obsessed with Leanne, whom he’s sleeping with on the side.

Leanne starts to manipulate her family and friends to get what she wants, but Dorothy begins to sense something is wrong. She starts to feel like she’s being watched and that someone is manipulating her.

The novel starts out with a nice paranoia-inducing tension that’s teased early on, explored somewhat during a couple of good chapters, and then quickly forgotten about and never really explored. With the threat of Aunt Josephine still looming over the family, it soon becomes apparent that what was billed as the big bad early on is actually just a red herring for a plot device with very little pay-off. ..

The showrunners seem to be trying to do too much with too little, and the result is a frustratingly slow experience that feels like it’s taking forever to get anywhere.

Season 3 of “Stranger Things” was disappointing because it lacked the creepy sequences and big reveals from seasons 1 and 2. Everything just flatlined; even the finale didn’t live up to expectations, leading to a rather disappointing season. ..

Apple has been dragging out its storylines unnecessarily on Servant, a show that could use some improvement. Season 3 was a waste of potential and it’s time for season 4 to start off with something more exciting.

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