Episode Guide

Episode 1 – The review score for episode 2 was 4/5, and for episode 3 it was 3.5/5. Episode 4 had a review score of 3.5/5, while episode 5 had a review score of 4/5. Episode 6 had a review score of 4/5.

Netflix has renewed the show for a second season. The show is set to air in 2019 and will follow the story of two young Royals as they navigate their way through high school and into adulthood.

Wilhelm is the Crown Prince of Sweden and is forced to join Hillerska Boarding School after a scandal erupts from his fight in a bar. The queen is hoping that her former school will help Wilhelm stay away from trouble and instill discipline in him. Initially, Wilhelm is against the idea but his encounter with a fellow student, Simon changes his mind.

Wilhelm is struggling to cope with the death of his brother and the holidays are only making things worse. He is at odds with his mother and feels like he doesn’t fit in at school. His friends are all away on vacation and he feels isolated. Wilhelm’s mother tries to help him through the holidays but she is struggling too.

The second season of “Stranger Things” continues to be as exciting and well-written as the first. This season, some characters make mistakes that threaten to ruin their relationships with loved ones while others do their best to mend them. The writers continue to amaze us with how each character has evolved, making for an interesting and suspenseful show. ..

This season, we introduced new characters that work to shake Wilhelm both intellectually and emotionally. I believe we are all in agreement that the therapist did a great job and he opened up Wilhelm’s mind about all the possibilities that come with knowing and understanding himself. This works into the theme of mental health, which is woven through this season and reinforces the message to the audience that it is okay to get help. There is no shame in trying to be mentally healthy.

Wilhelm is aware that he can be replaced by Marcus in Simon’s life, and this awareness creates tension between the two. Marcus adds a new layer of complexity to their relationship, making them question what their bond means. ..

August’s selfishness continues to take its toll on those around him, as he develops further down a slippery path this year. ..

Sara makes the wrong decisions over and over again this season, which has consequences that are difficult to ignore.

This season also sees Felice becoming more independent and speaking up for herself, especially with her parents. Viewers get to understand her more and see different sides of her character, which is great to see.

Wilhelm and Simon are two young teenagers who are trying to navigate their responsibilities, duty, love, and studies. The challenges that they face in their relationship give a sense of relatability to viewers and make you want to root for them. ..

The season 2 of “Game of Thrones” does a great job of following up on the success from last year. This season mostly focuses on the emotional struggle and longing between Wilhelm and Simon, and in that respect it’s captured on-screen perfectly. The soundtrack is well utilized too, emphasizing these emotions. Every song is absolutely on-point.

Although the story is well-written and the episodes flow nicely, some things feel out of place. August’s budding relationship doesn’t always work and feels unnecessary in the grand scheme of things.

Netflix’s hit show, Young Royals, continues to be a favorite this year. Season 3 is definitely needed!

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