Welcome Back, Mr. Brown

Upload Season 2 begins with Nora sitting in her car, listening to the news. The consciousness of an uploaded pigeon has been successfully downloaded into a new clone. This is, of course, a lovely bit of foreshadowing to explain how one can jump from Lake View (where Nathan has been uploaded) back into the real world. ..

Dave Anthony arrives at the protest dressed in a hood to avoid being identified by any drones that may be buzzing around. ..

Nathan runs out of data last season, so he hasn’t been in touch with Nora. This explains why she thinks he’s ghosting her. ..

Matteo introduces Nora to Pastor Tom, who she quickly becomes friends with. The anti-tech sentiment is rampant in the camp, and Nora quickly learns that this is not just a passing fad. There are people here who believe that technology has corrupted our society and ruined the natural world.

Meanwhile, Ingrid continues to exert influence over Nathan and with his 2GB of data returned and Nora gone from her angel duties, he’s spinning out. ..

Nathan is still concerned about the murder and it doesn’t help that Ingrid is being a typical Karen, wanting specific things from their new angel, Aleesha. ..

Aleesha complains to Lucy about Ingrid so much that she is actually promoted for her efforts. This catches her off-guard, and Lucy also allows her to hire a temp, which comes in the form of a woman called Tinsley. She is forced to ditch her jacket though before they get started. ..

The NYPD Cyber Crimes Unit is investigating a possible homicide after the man who tried to kill Nora was taken out by Nathan. This could be big trouble for Nathan. ..

Nathan thought he had finally found Nora, the cat who sneaks in with a cat avatar to avoid detection. Ingrid sat down with Nathan and had a heart to heart with him, admitting that she’s a bit (a bit?!) controlling and understanding it must be overwhelming that she’s shown up out the blue.

Nathan opens up and reveals that he fell for someone else but she’s gone now. Unfortunately, Nora watches as Nathan kisses Ingrid.

Nora heads back to see Matteo and starts drinking with him. As she does, Nathan’s narration cuts over the top as he admits he loves Nora too and gushes over how amazing she is. He hopes she’s safe and says goodbye to his angel.

The Episode Review

Nora and Nathan’s fate is entwined together but also separate for the time being.

Nora witnessed Ingrid and Nathan kissing, but didn’t get the full story including what happened before. Nathan thought Nora had left for good and she wasn’t coming back. ..

Upload is off to a good start, leaving the door open for what’s to come. Nathan’s murder still looms large, and it promises to be a major plot point throughout the season. ..