We Light The Way

Lady Rhea is startled by the figure, and she jumps off her horse. The figure steps forward, and she can see that it’s a dragon. Daemon looks at her with a mixture of confusion and respect, before turning to the figure and speaking in a deep voice. “My lady,” he says, “I have come to see you.”

She taunts him about his arrival, pointing out that they haven’t consummated their marriage yet and asking exactly what he intends to do with the crown. His stern look is enough for Rhea to reach for her bow. The horse grows scared and knocks her off, running away, leaving her defenceless and cowering on her back. Picking up a rock, Daemon (off-screen) smashes her skull in. ..

Meanwhile, Viserys is wretchedly ill while Criston Cole continues to grow affection for Rhaenyra. Alicent is less content though, given her father has been pushed out as Hand of the King. Out in the courtyard, as rain pours down, he warns that a time will come where war will consume the land, especially if Rhaenyra ascends to the throne.

Alicent weeps as her father is banished from the castle and forced to leave. She clearly conflicted over her choice and ponders its ramifications going forward. ..

Viserys finally makes it to High Tide, where he’s greeted (coldly) by Lady Laena. Lord Corlys awaits him, notably delaying a bow and paying attention to Viserys’ nasty coughing. The new Hand to the King is Lord Lyonel, who is given some warm words of encouragement from Corlys. Word reaches them that Rhea was killed “in a hunting accident” with her skull crushed.

Viserys proposes a marriage between Ser Laenor, the son of Corlys II, and Rhaenyra Targaryen. The idea is met with some hesitation by Corlys II, who is not exactly pleased with the idea of a woman taking the throne – namely that of Rhaenyra Targaryen. Viserys talks a good game though and the promise of a Second Age for Dragons is enough for Corlys to agree to the terms.

After their successful mission to assassinate the King of Laenor, Rhaenyra and Laenor come to an agreement where they will “dine where they see fit”. This means that they will continue to pursue their interests in love, without needing the help of others. ..

Laenor seems to be growing increasingly fond of Ser Joffrey, and it appears that Corlys and his wife know about his extramarital activities, especially if their cryptic chat is anything to go by. The dialogue here is beautifully illustrated! ..

Criston Cole, the crown prince of Dorne, makes a bold proposal to Rhaenyra Targaryen on the boat ride back from their victory at the Battle of the Blackwater. He suggests that she leave everything behind and run away with him, to start a new life in exile. “I am the crown, Ser Criston,” Rhaenyra says in response. That’s a defiant “no thank you” if I’ve ever heard one! ..

Viserys makes it back to King’s Landing but he’s weak and collapses as he gets out the carriage. As for Criston Cole, he’s summoned to see Alicent where he admits his oath has been broken and had sex with Rhaenyra. Given the crime, Criston Cole asks for death rather than torture. Alicent decides to mull this over.

Viserys is weakened after the Maesters have buzzed around him, offering up leeches and medicine. Viserys wants to be known as a good King, and it’s clear he’s been trying his hardest over the season but everything he touches turns to ash. However, the King does gather his strength in time for the royal wedding.

The big day arrives, and both Ser Laenor and Rhaenyra take to the stage. Daemon makes an appearance as well, smirking away but offered a seat at the head table.

Alicent interrupts Viserys’ speech in the middle, wearing a green dress that symbolizes Oldtown’s banners for war. Uncle admits he stands by her side during the dancing and festivities. ..

Meanwhile, Daemon and Rhea are in the bedroom, trying to figure out what to do. Daemon is worried about Royce, but Rhea is confident that she can take care of him. Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door. It’s Ser Gerold Royce. He tells them he needs to pay for his crimes, and that he knows where Rhea is. Daemon and Rhea try to think of a way to get rid of Royce, but they don’t have any money. Lyonel comes into the room and tells them that he can help them out. He takes out his knife and starts cutting into Royce’s skin, making him bleed out. Daemon and Rhea are horrified at what they are doing, but Lyonel says it’s for the best. He wants them to keep going because they need to find Rhea first. They finally agree and start cutting into Royce’s skin even harder as he screams in pain. Finally, they hear a noise coming from outside the door- it’s Ser Gerold Royce getting killed!

Laenor figures out that Rhaenyra has slept with Criston Cole, prompting Ser Joffrey to show and admit that they’re both deeply invested in this matrimony and it would do them both good to keep quiet about it.

Rhaenyra challenges Daemon to kill the Kingsguard and take her to Dragonstone if that’s what he wishes.

Guards suddenly show up and there’s pandemonium in the hall. It’s hard to see what happened… at first. Ser Criston Cole beats Ser Joffrey, leaving him beaten, bloodied - and dead.

Laenor and Rhaenyra are married in the wake of this death, with the former struggling to hold back tears. Out in the courtyard, Ser Criston is saved from killing himself by Alicent Hightower. However, it doesn’t save Viserys, who collapses as the pair exchange their vows.

The Episode Review

This episode was really well written and had a lot of great dialogue. It was full of hints at what’s to come and what’s happened, as well as visual metaphors.

Alicent’s appearance at Rhaenyra’s wedding is a clear sign that the wedding will have major consequences. I wouldn’t be surprised if Alicent uses Ser Criston Cole to spark a war and keep herself “step-daughter” from the throne. ..

With Viserys presumably dead, is it possible that the Grand Maesters are behind this? Their busying and fussing about the King, giving him tonics and claiming he likes leeches, could well be a hint that they’ve been worsening, not bettering, his condition. I’m not completely clued up on the Westerosi lore but surely they should have offered him milk of the poppy to subside his pain?

The strategic chess match between the two factions is still in progress, with no clear victor yet seen. However, one thing is for sure - Daemon, the wildcard faction, will likely cause a major upset and change the course of the conflict. What will happen to the realm after that is anyone’s guess. ..