
Episode 6 of 9-1-1 season 6 starts with a time jump to 2010 when Chimney sneakily sets up Hen and Karen on a date. Hen was still reeling from her breakup with Eva while Karen was a woman focused on her career and didn’t have time for anything else. They hit it off immediately and even though Hen is hesitant she can’t hide that she feels some things for Karen. I suppose we have Chimney to thank for giving us the magic that is Karen and Hen. ..

Hen and Karen are starting a new chapter in their lives as Hen heads into her third year of medical school. This morning, Hen is also excited to take their son, Denny, to work with her. Denny is excited to be in the lab and marvels at all the ongoing projects the lab is doing. ..

Karen is hesitant to date someone who is not as successful as she is, but Hen convinces her that it will be worth it in the end. They first date for a year and a half and eventually get married. The journey was not easy, but they both knew that they were meant to be together.

Karen had trouble coming to terms with Eva being a huge part of Hen’s life especially when Eva asked Hen to adopt her son. Karen didn’t think it would work out between them and feared that Hen was still in love with Eva because she could never tell her no. This caused them to break up but Chimney worked out his magic and brought them back together again. Karen realized that she loved Hen and she came back and they adopted Denny together. Of course, the couple has faced many hurdles since then but none so dire as the current life-and death-situation.

Hen and Bobby go to get her medical supplies and Hen starts to cut away at the shrapnel. It turns out that she has a large piece of metal in her stomach that is going to cause her a lot of pain and suffering if it continues to grow. They have to decide whether or not to remove it and Hen says that she will feel better once it’s gone.

They rush her to the hospital and for a while, in the ambulance, it is touch and go as they try to revive her. Hen refuses to give up until they are able to get a normal rhythm and stabilize her. Luckily, the shrapnel only damaged her spleen and she will make a full recovery. Once she is discharged from the hospital, Hen tells her that she will not resign from her job as a firefighter.

The fire accident made her realize that she might lose Karen and she doesn’t want her life to change. She admits that she had never really thought about the sacrifices she would have to make to start a new career as a doctor. It will take her away from her family and she doesn’t want to do it anymore.

The Episode Review

This episode focused on Hen and Karen and I am grateful we get to see more about their relationship. It answered a lot of questions many viewers had about their relationship.

When Karen was bottoming in the ambulance, we thought it was the end but she made it – wow!

I am thrilled that Hen chose to remain a firefighter and part of 118. It makes sense that Hen had never really thought about the reality of what being a medical student will mean. Sometimes we keep the eye on the goal so much that we can’t see anything else.

Yes, I am happy that 118 is staying intact.