The Tree

In Episode 6 of Raised by Wolves Season 2, Campion tries to establish himself as a leader among the workers. However, he struggles to get his words out, stuttering and fumbling as his confidence betrays him. Sadly, even his joke doesn’t land either. ..

Meanwhile, Sue joins up with Mother as they conduct a baby scan on Tempest. It turns out her pregnancy is moving along faster than anticipated. Specifically, she’s going to give birth the next day. She’s worried and starts to panic, but Sue offers to look after the child for her until she’s ready – which she vehemently declines. ..

With Mother now in charge of the colony, Marcus is brought before her. It’s worth noting that just prior to this, Lucius found a metal card in his shoe. Anyway, Mother tells Marcus to renounce Sol and tell everyone that this is a fantasy. In exchange she’ll set him free. Despite Paul rushing up and hugging him, Marcus does no such thing, challenging her authority and promising that he has faith, “something a robot can never have.” ..

Father heads to see the ancient android which speaks old mithraic after Campion touches its hand. It turns out this is the light that Campion saw – it wasn’t Sol after all. However, Mother figures out where Campion is and catches them both with the android.

Campion reveals that he has named the android “Grandmother” because it is very old. Mother believes she is dangerous and turns into her necro form, intending to stop the creature in case it attacks them. Mother is distrusting but when the android passes out, Father reveals that he “grew” this android. He also repeats the ancient mithraic tongue the creature uttered, which Mother just so happens to translate. Apparently, it asked Father “why aren’t you wearing your veil?” ..

The ancient android continues to baffle both Mother and Father, as they run more tests together. It would appear that instead of a weapon system, the ancient android has something else going on. Mother is concerned and decides to keep the kids away from her until they can determine exactly what she is.

That night, the eel started screaming, prompting Campion to head inside its cage and try to calm it down. The eel was upset because Sue and Paul were blasting the ancient box with lasers. This happened as a direct consequence of Sue messing around with the box outside. While she and Paul blasted it with lasers, this seemed to upset the eel and that explained why it had been screaming. ..

Sue makes her choice and frees Marcus from his cell. Marcus then speaks of the tree and eventually leaves the settlement, where Paul happens to be waiting for them by the side of the acidic lake. ..

Tempest, a woman out in the open, gives birth by the sea. She actually bites off the umbilical cord too, given how sudden the labour is. Unfortunately, the cries from the babe bring a strange creature out from the lake, dripping in acid. It snatches up her babe, seemingly consuming it inside itself and diving back into the lake. Tempest is understandably distraught and begins screaming and crying.

When Tempest is brought back, Mother reflects on how things have changed since she was last seen. She’s concerned that the group has become too human and this is why the incident occurred. However, when she finds out that Sue and Paul have left, she has no words. ..

As night falls, Paul sings a lullaby to Sue. This inadvertently opens the box, where she finds a seed inside. When she touches it, it seems to absorb inside her and she stumbles away. Possessed, she begins digging with her bare hands. Eventually screaming to the heavens, she destroys the box and all its contents. ..

Marcus finds a seed on the floor and after opening up its hard shell, takes a bite. In doing so, he notices the tree pulsating. As tears fill his eyes, he drops to his knees and reaches out for Paul’s hand.

The Episode Review

It seems that Sue has been sacrificed in order for the tree to bear fruit, so to speak. This prophesied Tree of Knowledge is here, and it would seem that things are going to start escalating. ..

The ancient android and the acidic creature are both points of contention in this case. There seems to be more going on than first meets the eye.

Could this ancient android be some sort of druid for the machines? Father did mention that the make-up of this creature is different to Mother and it could well tie directly into this way of thinking.

Raised by Wolves continues to be an intriguing drama that leaves things on a precarious cliffhanger for next week’s follow-up.