The Ties That Bind

Lois and Clark try to figure out what could have caused Clark to pass out, but they can’t find anything. They eventually realize that something bad is coming and they all go into hiding. They’re able to get back on the scene just in time for the big fight that’s about to happen.

Clark eventually sits with Lois and John, admitting that he’s seeing visions and has been since saving the sub. Lois believes these could be residual memories from when Krypton was destroyed. Clark isn’t so sure.

Clark visits Morgan Edge in prison to find out the truth about his father’s death. Edge doesn’t know much, but urges Clark to let him out and take him to his fortress to find out the answers. Clark isn’t stupid and despite Edge admitting he’s not dangerous anymore, Clark isn’t going to take that chance. ..

Sarah and Jordan continue to have tension at school. Sarah is more interested in Jordan than in Nat, who is trying to be friends with both of them.

That night, Jordan goes outside to find Sarah on the porch. It turns out she actually kissed someone at camp, a girl called Audrey. Sarah tries to brush it off like it doesn’t matter but she still cheated on him, and Jordan is crushed. ..

Lois is under fire from an old case years ago. The case in question revolves around a self-help guru called Ally Austin. He’s a cult-leader and seems to be responsible for a death that’s hit Lois hard. Lois tried to find evidence to take him down but now this has circled back around to her. Austin has conducted a podcast about being mistreated by her. Lois is confident it’ll blow over but… it doesn’t. ..

Lois’s sister tells her a story about how she almost drowned and how she was encouraged to find her other self. Lois is unsure if her sister is going to corroborate the story given they haven’t been talking for such a long time.

Lois begins her investigation of the construction site tremors by enlisting the help of John to set up a seismometer on the fringes of the site to monitor activity. With the workers there just as confused as she is, Lois enlists the help of John to help her understand what is happening.

Smallville’smayorship is in trouble. Daniel Hart, the promising candidate to challenge the current mayor, has had another job offer and decides to bail out. Instead, that focus turns toward Lana, who decides to run in his stead. Kyle even manages to get the fire department to support her.

Superman is out in the field again when he falls and passes out. He’s saved by Anderson’s lackeys though, and brought back to base. Anderson speaks to him about the operation, urging Supe to stay out of their way. This ultimately serves as the final straw for Clark, who remains determined to get some answers.

Clark and Jordan break out of prison and head to Tal’s fortress. Using a crystal, a vision of their mother appears. After some awkwardness between Tal and his mother, she eventually agrees to help decipher Clark’s visions. According to her, it appears a cosmic being may actually be causing these violent visions. Specifically, whatever is down in the caves.

Smallville is in the middle of a seismic event, as workers inside the caves are killed easily by the tremors. One of them sacrifices himself to try and save the town, causing a cave-in.

While this is going on, Superman doubles over and suffers from his horrible visions again. This gives Tal enough time to break free from his restraints (well I definitely didn’t see this coming!) and prepare to leave. Jordan manages to hold him off though, managing to even land a few blows for good measure.

Superman regains his strength and defeats Tal, taking him back to prison. Whatever is down in the caves may be lusting for blood and Superman may not have the strength alone to stop it. ..

The Episode Review

Lois and Superman return to the show this week with a slower episode, with a few predictable subplots thrown in for good measure. It’s been pretty obvious that Sarah cheated on Jordan at camp and thankfully this hasn’t been dragged out across too many episodes.

Lana steps up to try and lead Smallville as the race for mayor heats up. This has been brewing for a while and it seems she has a good shot of turning the fate of this town around. ..

Meanwhile, we get a bit more action as Tal unsurprisingly double crosses Supe and almost manages to get away. Thankfully Jordan was there though and stopped this from happening. This shows the growth of his character, and the continued manifestation of his powers. ..

We see a glimpse of Doomsday in this issue, but it’s not as clear as we would have liked. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with this storyline going forward.

Superman and Lois end their relationship with an open ending that leaves the tantalizing prospect of next week’s follow-up very much on the table.