The beast is a creature that has been terrorizing the land for years, and no one knows how to stop it. The heroes of this land are banding together to face this creature, and they are all determined to bring it to justice.

The Tal’Dorei council, led by Sovereign Uriel, is brainstorming how to deal with this threat. They have sent out several bands of mercenaries with no luck. They would deploy General Krieg’s army, but that seems an unwise action until they know who their enemy is. If only another mercenary group would step up for the task… ..

Vox Machina is a rag-tag band of unlikely heroes who have a less than stellar reputation in the kingdom. They’re led by Vex, a half-elf ranger; her twin brother Vax’ildan the rogue; gnome cleric Pike Trickfoot; gnome bard Scanlan Shorthalt; Keyleth, a half-elf druid; Percival de Rolo III, human gunslinger; and Grog Strongjaw, goliath barbarian.

Vox Machina offers their services to the town in exchange for a hefty sum of gold. The council is sceptical, but agrees to consider the offer. ..

Vex feels a strange sensation at their meeting with the council. She has a feeling that one of the members is not who they seem to be. ..

The group of adventurers travel to a village in search of the beast that was last spotted. They interact with the villagers to get more information, and they learn that the creature can fly. Vax gives a young boy a coin, promising that they will vanquish the monster for the sake of this town.

The Vox Machina team finds human footprints leading up a mountain and follows them to a lamb that is crushed by a towering, great blue dragon.

The heroes fight their foe, but they are having a hard time. Keyleth is frozen in fear for a long time, but when the dragon would crush them all, she saves them by conjuring plants to cushion their fall. ..

As the dragon flies away, the group is left to nurse their wounds. Vex reveals that she is familiar with dragons. One of the beasts killed her and Vax’s mother. She has studied them her entire life, hoping to find the very same creature.

Vex can sense the presence of dragons. She has received the same feeling from the dragon that she did when she was in the midst of the Tal’Dorei Council. They all believe that one of the council members must be in league with the winged creature.

None of the villagers are keen on taking on the task of terminating their contract with the council, now that they know the risk. They return to the village determined to do so, but the scene before them stops them in their tracks.

The village has been completely destroyed. A weak cry catches their attention–it’s the same child to whom Vax gave his coin. Pike tries to heal him, but has no power left from the fight, and the boy dies.

In the episode, Scanlan announces that they will be killing a dragon. Vax takes the blood-covered coin from the dead child. If they die in the attempt, he says, they will die gloriously.

The Episode Review

In episode 1 of The Legend of Vox Machina, the players stand on their own in a world inspired by Critical Role. This introduction highlights the different personalities of the protagonists and makes you feel as if you know them intimately already.

The humour is risqué and bawdy, and the dialogue is simple, but effective. Above all, the characters are compelling. Though their motives are questionable, these unlikely heroes have a unique sort of charm in their mix of personalities. The episode accomplishes a great task in creating likable characters while leaving much room for character development as the series progresses. ..

In Episode 1 of “Vox Machina,” the adventurers set out on a grand adventure that may just integrate them into the kingdom’s leadership. If they can defeat this dragon. ..

Who is the dragon?