The Rules of the Game

Maddie is a big part of Kyle and Sophie’s relationship and she’s clearly enjoying being a part of it. She gives them knowing grins when they’re around her and she seems to know what they’re up to. It’s clear that Maddie enjoys being in the mix and helping to build their relationship.

Kylee is helping Sophie out with her roleplaying game, even doing some voice acting and getting enamored with a new friendship group. Ty notices how good this is for his brother and praises his new, positive attitude. Things do sour a little when Nellie shows up and Kyle introduces her, but it’s worth noting Sophie’s constant side-eyed glances at her here. A love triangle perhaps? ..

Annie is traumatized by what she saw the night before. With Dana and Ronnie trying to talk to her, they both disagree over exactly what’s happening. Are they together? Are they not? Who knows! So naturally Annie hurries out before they can fumble over their words anymore.

That’s really not how Dana wanted to hear it from Annie, so she tells her to “keep family matters off the clock” at the restaurant.

After Dana openly kisses Jeremy in the kitchen, it becomes clear that her personal affairs are affecting her business and attitude at work. This is a bit hypocritical, don’t you think? ..

Anyway, Dana does redeem herself a little that night by giving Jackson the greenlight to go out with Annie, while Annie’s justifiable concerns about her folks sneaking around gives off the impression that they’re doing something wrong. ..

Ronnie and Dana do end up hashing it out as Dana brushes aside their lovemaking as “nostalgia.” She wants proof that he’s changed but instead, Ronnie turns that around and asks exactly why she hasn’t bothered to do the same thing. And for that, she has no answers.

Ronnie takes the initiative and decides to speak to Pastor June about their problems in order to get them counselling. ..

Maddie and Cal are out of town in Charleston, where they both have a lot to contribute to the fundraiser. Maddie is quickly learning how much Cal means to these people and how much he means to her.

Peggy heads back to see her mother, who is incredulous at her suggestion of telling Isaac’s father about his son. Unfortunately, she’s having none of it and claims she “saved her” from that life.

Peggy has finally grown a backbone and won’t be pushed around by her mother’s traditional tea-drinking standards any more. This also has a ripple effect, with Peggy thanking Helen for getting involved and finding Isaac. ..

Elsewhere, Ty gives a backhanded apology to CeCe after his gooey-eyed looks at Annie earlier in the season. When he asks for an apology back, she scoffs at this and walks away.

Helen gathers the troops and informs them that they have enough signatures to approach the Mayor and hit back against the proposed changes. Helen promises to hand it in first thing Monday morning. As they all toast to Serenity, Frances collapses.

The Episode Review

As the business end of the season draws near, Ty tries and fails to apologize to Dana while Dana fails to see the error of her ways, eventually leading her down the path of counselling with Ronnie. And I guess Jeremy is just gone from the rest of the series then!

Meanwhile, the show continues to deliver intriguing developments with the various subplots and seeing Kyle get closer to Sophie is a nice touch, especially with the added dynamic of Nellie jumping back into the fray. The show has been delivering intriguing developments with the various subplots and seeing Kyle get closer to Sophie is a nice touch. ..

As we continue to explore the mysterious collapse of Frances, we also get a hint that there may be more to come in the upcoming episodes. We are left with questions about why Frances collapsed and what happened to her.