The Outing

Episode 6 of Upload Season 2 starts with Brian Choak visiting David, telling him there’s an important vote coming up. Nora happens to overhear and encourages Nathan to go on a field trip with her to New York City to investigate further. ..

Nathan can buy a Reality Private Tour with Nora as his guide. Essentially, it’s one long Facetime call with a tablet strapped to Nora’s chest so he can essentially see what she sees in her POV. Aleesha is joining them too and she Facetimes with Luke. ..

Nora and Choak head out together, with Nora watching on Twitter as Choak downloads into a robot body. They decide to stop at Choak tower, which was Nora’s plan all along, rather than the “random trip” she peddled to Aleesha. The tablets aren’t exactly discreet, and naturally they flash up on the security cameras outside, pinging to Sato who wonders what they’re up to.

Nora begins her investigation into the Freeyond situation and realizes that there is only one store in New York and one in LA. However, given Uploads can’t vote, the numerous stores appear to have been strategically placed in swing states like Florida. This would then tip the scales of an election. Nora begins her investigation into the Freeyond situation and realizes that there is only 1 store in New York and 1 in LA, but given Uploads can’t vote, the numerous stores appear to have been strategically placed in swing states like Florida. This would then tip the scales of an election.

Aleesha, a Freeyond user, is questioning why Nora, another Freeyond user, is using her account. Aleesha believes that Nora is using her account for political gain and she wants to know why Nora would do that. ..

Ingrid’s digital baby subplot continues as she comes under fire for somehow bringing a digital child from birth to death in less than 24 hours. The A.I. Guy and several other officials are there to grade her on different characteristics, and see whether she’s actually fit to have kids or not. ..

Ingrid’s mother died when Ingrid was young, so she doesn’t have a traditional parenting role model. She starts out by speaking to her online friends about parenting, and finds that they have a lot of helpful advice. She decides to try some of their ideas, and it seems to work well. ..

After speaking to AI Guy for the third time, Ingrid finally gets through to him and convinces him that she is a good candidate for the digital baby program. ..

After being approved, Ingrid heads into a research facility where it seems like Nathan is about to be cloned in a tank. Just like the ones we saw earlier in the season, Ingrid promises that he’ll be ready soon. ..

The Episode Review

So it looks like the season is gearing up to reveal that Choak and Kannerman have been conspiring for political gain, as well as Nathan’s murder. There is also the ongoing issue with the digital baby. ..

Overall, Upload has been pretty lackluster this year. Most of the subplots have been resolved, and the tension between Matteo and Tinsley has disappeared. ..

There’s still enough to like here though, with the cliffhanger ending leaving everything wide open for where this may go next. Roll on the next episode!