Proximity to Power

Why did Hawk turn evil?

In a moment of pure evil, Hawk kills Mr. Smiles with a single shot. This event led to the fall of the Guardians of Justice and their subsequent exile from society. Speed comments on how this event is always due to one moment that was justifiable, and how it’s always thanks to Hawk for making it happen.

Hawk’s army, known as Smiles, has been working under the alias of Clown Face since Marvelous Man’s death. This allowed Hawk to put his plan into action, which led to his villainy. ..

What is Hawk’s plan to conquer the world?

With Anubis blamed for Marvelous Man’s death, Hawk launches his global army to eradicate them, deciding to burn the nation to the ground, killing innocent civilians in the process. Hawk’s Global Defence is given the nod by those around the globe, who see this as a necessary action to lead them to salvation and allow peace to blanket Earth.

Hawk plans to use Mind Master’s powers to conquer the world, with Walker watching on and helping to fund his dastardly plan. The only ones left to try and stop that are Awesome Man and Speed.

Awesome Man is conflicted about the Mind Master’s serum, which has allowed the world to fall into a docile peace. He reflects on Hawk telling him he’s doing this for the “greater good,” and wonders whether that’s actually true or not. ..

What is the plan to stop Hawk?

Speed manages to talk him around, pointing out that this is Hawk’s future, not humanity’s as a whole. He decides to team up with Speed and stop Hawk, delivering true justice. ..

In order to open the portal, Speed needs to go full force and use her powers to make it into the Hawk’s Nest.

The Guardians will attack her while she’s fighting off the army, but Awesome Man will collect them up and strike back together.

Awesome Man implores the Guardians to break in and stop Hawk before it’s too late. ..

Unfortunately, Hawk is not ready for Speed when she shows, using a power-dampening orb that Marvelous Man has, just incase any of them went rogue. With Speed’s powers diminished, Hawk urges her to team up. Instead, Speed uses her kung fu moves to attack in real-time, eventually destroying the orb and attacking the soldiers.

Who is Awesome Man? Does Speed die?

Hawk tries to talk Speed around, but her ideology doesn’t work on him. So he decides to play his trump card - Little Wing. In another surprising twist, Little Wing inexplicably changes into Awesome Man. He chokes out Speed, with blood running from her eyes, as he remains loyal to Hawk. ..

Awesome Man’s plan was to keep Speed under control and let her see things their way. If not, then she would need to be taken out. “Make me proud son,” He said. ..

In a shocking turn of events, the world’s most powerful and dangerous creature has finally arrived. Galactron is a monstrous being intent on destroying everything, and it’s only a matter of time before it destroys the world. If you’re able to stop Galactron, the world may just be saved.

How does Guardians of Justice end?

Since learning of his father’s message, Hawk has been working on a plan to unite the world. However, if Marvelous Man is actually innocent, then Hawk’s plan may have been for naught. ..

The Episode Review

The finale of Guardians of Justice ends with a decent episode, one that sees Speed meet a horrible demise and everything ending on a rather uneasy and somber note. What if Hawk is wrong? What if there is no world-ending threat? ..

It’s something that provides food for thought as we ponder if Hawk’s actions were completely pointless or not.

The show has been prettypaced and rocketed through so many ideas without actually fleshing much of it out in a way to make these twists feel more momentous. This makes it difficult to invest in the characters, as they feel one-dimensional and one-dimensional only because they’re not given enough time to develop.

As an easy, breezy and cheesy superhero satire, Guardians of Justice ends with a decent enough conclusion, one that’s certainly going to be an acquired taste.