The Sith Lord

Dooku sneaks into the Jedi temple, deleting all references to Kamino in order to cover his tracks.

It would appear that Qui-Gon has encountered a Sith Lord off on Tatooine, which has become the talk of the town in the council. Word travels fast, and as Qui-Gon returns, Dooku questions what happened. Master Yaddle is there to oversee proceedings and listens as Qui-Gon sings the praises of Obi-Wan, whom is now by his side as an Apprentice.

Dooku bids his goodbyes to his former Apprentice, commenting how Qui-Gon has grown so fast and reminiscing on old times. The council are leaving for Naboo but Dooku refuses to leave with them. He’s decided to let Qui-Gon go as he’s become one with the force now.

Darth Dooku confronts the Emperor in secret some time later, claiming that Darth Maul has gone too far in killing Qui-Gon. Yaddle overhears their meeting, where Dooku confirms his betrayal and destroying everything he’s built. Yaddle comes out of hiding and tries to talk Dooku around but it’s too late, he’s fallen to the Dark Side.

With the Emperor watching on, Dooku and Yaddle fought it out with lightsabers, eventually leading to Yaddle’s demise.

The Episode Review

The death of Dooku was a turning point in the Clone Wars, as it led to Qui Gon’s successful attempt to kill him. This caused bitter pain for Dooku, as his death at the hands of Qui Gon ended up being the tipping point that led him to work against the Jedi.

Qui-Gon, the young Apprentice, and Dooku, the bitter and angry Darth Vader, are two of the main characters in this anthology series. This series has done a pretty admirable job of showing all of that, with Qui-Gon as a young Apprentice and Dooku growing more bitter and angry as time has gone on.

The episode ends well and the storytelling is great. ..