
Episode 5 of Manifest Season 4 starts with Vance showing up at the Stone residence, desperate to find Ben. It has been 2 hours since they last spoke and he has gone radio silent. The group work together and manage to hack into Ben’s laptop, using Eden’s birthday as a password, naturally. ..

Michaela quickly realizes that Eagan is the key to all of this, so she decides to try and get information out of him. When she arrives at the prison, he has a note for her, telling her he’s not about to play ball. ..

Jared and his team continue their investigation into the fertilizer that started last episode. They stumble upon Erika and Adrian’s compound, but they are unaware of Ben being held captive there. They find little, but they eventually find Ben tied up. He tries to call out for Eden, but Angelina shows and immediately calls out Ben as a bad man.

Ben is not happy and remembers Grace’s words never to give up, which echo through him. Thankfully, he’s dropped off a sandwich by one of Adrian’s comrades and with the plate left behind, he smashes it up and uses the pieces to cut his binds.

Saanvi deduces that this ULF is actually a frequency being used by a higher power, linking it into this whole Divine Consciousness concept. While it’s not working for her per-se, upon learning that Cal had a Calling about bright lights, she believes that they need to put him in the MRI machine instead as he could be the key.

Meanwhile, Michaela has a Calling of her own involving honeybees and realizes that this is linked to where Ben is being held. Jared was right there and failed to find anything earlier in the episode, but he returns with Zeke and Michaela to scout the place out.

Adrian is under pressure to get rid of Angelina. The latter overhears this of course, and decides to take action. In fact, she sets up a bomb to blow the place up, and with a detonator in her hand, she intends to hold all of them to account. She claims it’s their “judgment day”.

After Angelina calls out Adrian for his promise to protect her and his failure to do so, she refers to Eden as her “guardian angel.” Erika stands by Angelina’s side throughout the confrontation, gripping her gun tightly. Cal decides to head in alone and try to talk Angelina out of detonating the bomb. ..

While they’re distracted, they manage to reconvene with Ben, who confirms Eden is in a room upstairs. As for Cal, he manages to wrestle with Angelina inside, giving everyone enough time to escape – including Ben with Eden.

The nightclub explosion rocked the building but Cal is absolutely fine and completely unharmed (hey, its the nightclub fire all over again!) but it seems like Angelina was not so lucky. Erika survives too and heads out with her gun, pointing it at Michaela. Zeke suddenly turns and shoots her dead, while the group head back home again, having finally got Eden back.

It turns out that Angelina was actually kidnapped by a group of criminals, who thought she was dead. Adrian and his friends decide to help her find her way back home, and they end up finding her safe and sound.

The Episode Review

The midway point of Manifest sees the whole Eden saga come to a close, with Angelina’s threat thwarted but Adrian deciding to stick around and help her after all, now believing in her Calling.

The explosion that occurred during the episode was not only unexpected, but it also seemed like it could have potentially killed everyone in the room. However, this is not the first time that this particular plot device has been used on “The Walking Dead,” and as a result, many viewers are beginning to question its effectiveness. ..

Since the latest episode aired, there has been more information released about the clues, but it seems like the later episodes are going to be the ones that really delve into what they mean. ..