Since Sheldon has an early class the following day, he calls Mary from his college to ask her if he can stay the night in his dorm room. She agrees before Sheldon can persuade her further, which is unusual for her because she is overly protective of her children, especially Sheldon.

After noticing her unusual response, George Sr. questions her about it. She tells him that it’s not a big deal and makes advances towards him.

George Jr. goes to the restaurant where Mandy works and tries to persuade her to spend time with him. He points out that Meemaw won’t be at home for a few days and that she’ll be alone in the big house. Mandy declines his offer.

Sheldon is spending the night in his dorm room, and the noise from the teens there is really bothering him. He complains to the resident advisor about it, and the advisor seems to be high himself. The advisor promises to look into it, but Sheldon doesn’t feel like he’s being taken seriously. ..

Dale is asking Meemaw about her experience with gambling, and Meemaw is telling him about a guy she knows who likes to gamble. She says that it’s exciting because you can take risks and sometimes you get lucky.

Sheldon waits outside the principal’s office on Monday morning, frustrated with the chaos in the dorms. He tells the principal about the situation in the dorms in his typical quirky way. The principal initially advises him to take his complaints to the resident advisor and to enjoy himself with the other students, but when Sheldon doesn’t agree with her, she appoints him as resident adviser. This gives Sheldon a chance to change things and make them better. ..

Missy begins to notice that Mary is making more advances than she is. She decides to avoid the situation by going out with George Sr.

Sheldon tries to establish order in the dorms by imposing rules. His orders are not well received by the students, and one of them tears up the leadership letter the principal gave him. After he pushes his rules on them by turning off the hot water supply, the students tape him to a wall. ..

George Jr visits Meemaw’s house and attempts to spend time with Mandy there. Mandy didn’t want him to spend time with her at first but after he pushes she doesn’t make him leave.

Meemaw and Dale are driving back from buying gambling machines. Dale expresses regret for breaking up with her, and Meemaw presses him to admit his mistake. He does, and they both realize they’re being followed. They both freak out. ..

Meemaw and Dale enter a restaurant to escape the person following them, but they are followed there as well. The man following sits down at the table with them and asks for money in exchange for not reporting the illegal gambling machines to the police. Meemaw excuses herself to use the restroom, puncturing his car’s tires while Dale distracts him by having a conversation with him. The two escape thereafter. ..

Missy goes to Meemaw’s house to get away from the uncomfortable situation at home. George Jr and Mandy’s night is interrupted by Missy. George initially asks her to leave, but Mandy tells her to stay. Missy finds comfort in George and Mandy’s fight because her parents usually fight. ..

George Sr and Mary continue to argue about having another child. George Sr points out that Mary was kicked out of the church and her children are growing up, so she is only asking for a baby because she is feeling sorry for herself. Mary becomes agitated as a result of the disagreement and leaves the room. ..

The Episode Review

The episode begins with a conflict between two people: Mary wants to have another child with George Sr, but he declines because he knows that she merely wants a child to take her mind off her problems. This conflict is the foundation of the rest of the episode, as it becomes increasingly difficult for both parties to resolve their differences.

The two people have a cold argument that leads to a potential divorce or another factor leading to it.

The tension between George Jr. and Mandy comes from him trying to force himself on her, which she appears to dislike. After watching The Big Bang Theory, we know that George marries young, so he could either win over Mandy’s affections, or he could end up with someone else, or perhaps a different scenario if this show chose not to follow The Big Bang Theory’s narrative, given that Sheldon can be an unreliable narrator occasionally.

The couple’s relationship appears to be unhealthy. They are making too many compromises, and they don’t even seem to enjoy each other’s company.

In this episode, we catch a glimpse of that, but we also see that his account of the incidents may not be accurate. We observe that he bugged the other students way too much, and as a result, the other students taped him to the wall.