Mansion Escape

The sixth episode of Gangs of London Season 2 begins with a look at a blood-soaked mansion. Ropes lie across the floor, there’s a tarp there too, while blood across the wall fades out of focus by a dog, which walks toward an elevator and waits for it to ping. ..

This bloody opening scene sets the tone for a similarly gnarly scene, as Elliot walks away from Miss Kane’s body, after killing her outright. He walks across the fields purposefully, presumably back to his car. ..

Asif and Koba show up to see Asif in his limo. Koba reveals that the pair have decided to take London for themselves. Asif can be part of this too, and they’ll allow him to bring his product into London and distribute it as he sees fit.

In exchange for access to Asif’s network and infrastructure, the three men want Lale. Koba makes the necessary moves to have her snatched up at a family gathering, and brought to Asif’s mansion. Sean in a state of shock when he finds out.

Marian arrives to see Ed, begging him for help. Given Sean has struck a deal with the devil, she tries to encourage him to join and take back what they’ve built together. Ed refuses outright, until Marian suggests a coup and to instigate themselves at the top instead of either Sean Wallace or Asif. The enticing prospect of power is too much to turn away from.

When Shannon leaves the room, she finds Elliot, who puts on a great performance here. He’s shocked, panicked and distraught after his father has been killed and blames himself for what’s happened. Elliot admits he had information about the Investors and that’s why his father has been killed. When he finds out Sean is involved with Koba, he’s angry and determined to get his revenge. ..

Sean is conflicted about whether to allow Lale to be tortured and destroyed by Asif or not. While Sean ponders this, we cut across to a resourceful Lale, who manages to grab an empty whiskey glass and crush it with her hands. She uses the shards to cut her binds, and bides her time with the remnants, winding up Asif and making him come close. ..

Asif lets his guard down and Lale stabs him in the ear for good measure. As he attempts to walk away, Lale breaks free and holds him down.

Lale is scrambling down the stairs, intent on finding a way out. She manages to fight off a whole host of different men on her own, eventually leading to a big showdown with Asif himself. Now, I will give the show credit where it’s due, the scene is brutal and actually does a good job of showing how hard work it is to throw a guy around but the stomp earlier in the bathroom? Pretty poorly shot I must say.

Anyway, Lale manages to get out of the rain and stumble upon a car that’s driving away from her. Unfortunately for her, it’s not Asif who drives away, but Sean Wallace. He takes her back to Asif, where she is met with a shocking ending.

The Episode Review

In a sequence at the end of last season’s “The Good Place,” Lale was thrown back into the Bad Place quickly after trusting Sean Wallace. This sequence, featuring Lale working hard to get out, is brutal and works well to show just how hard she worked to get out.

The Mayor of London, Sean Cavanagh, has had to make a difficult decision in order to protect the city’s interests. He could come to regret making this choice.

The whole chapter is a great showcase of the violence and fighting in this show. It has a lot of similarities to series like Daredevil and Punisher, and the ending hints that we’re moving into the realm of similarly shocking conclusions. Even so, everything here is left wide open for the final 2 chapters.