Janine is surprised when Erika, an old high school friend drops off her nephew, one of Janine’s students. Erika invites her to a Halloween party that night, but Janine insists she already has plans. She’s lying, however. Since she broke up with Tariq, she’s found out that all their friends were more his friends than hers.

Another adult tries to give candy to students in school. Janine stops her and says that candy must wait until the end of the day. Erika’s nephew is upset because he is dressed as Thanos and does not want to share the candy with anyone else.

Amber hands Janine an extra bag of candy for her to give to Gregory. Gregory declines it, saying he doesn’t like candy. So Janine opens it on her own and finds Amber’s number inside.

Meanwhile, Ashley takes on the job of guarding the schools’ big bag of candy. She’s so bored with the job, however, she doesn’t pay much attention to the kids coming in and out. ..

When all the kids in the school suddenly become extra hyper and disobedient, Mr. Johnson has a hunch that they’ve gotten into the candy. He’s right-the candy is gone!

The teachers gathered the students in the gym to try and get them under control, but one student, Thanos, managed to evade them. He still had the bag of candy. ..

Janine and Gregory stand guard outside the gym. Janine hands Gregory Amber’s number, although she clearly doesn’t like doing so. And when Gregory asks her about having friends outside of work, she deflects. ..

The teachers decide they need to track down Thanos. Gregory and Jacob take the basement, while Janine, Barbara, and Melissa search the hallways. Jacob ends up spooked by what he thinks is a janitor’s ghost (It’s just Mr. Johnson). Meanwhile, Barbara and Melissa give Janine encouragement to start over and make new friends.

The final act of the film is not Thanos’ victory, but the triumph of a young student who dressed up as Mr. Johnson and tricked the other teachers into giving him all the candy. ..

Erika returns to pick up her nephew, Janine accepts her invitation to go to that party. She’s a little more excited now to start over.

The Episode Review

In “The Breakup,” Janine navigates the world without Tariq, who she broke up with in season one. This episode did well to embrace how scary and nerve-wracking that has to be for her. ..

Other highlights of this episode included the two Mr. Johnsons, and of course the awkward moments between Janine and Gregory. I hope their chemistry continues to grow as a slow burn; they’re too precious, and their interactions are hilarious. ..