The Sins Of A Father

In the fifth episode of Gangs of London Season 2, Elliot makes a promise to his father not to let the events of the night before destroy him. This is a mantra that he takes with him during the present day, where we arrive at the morning after the big raid. ..

Elliot breaks his promise to his father and admits that they are wanted men. Charlie decides to leave them and adopt a new persona, putting all of this behind them. Elliot refuses, heading back into the thick of the action after leaving his father at the airport for the time being. Miss Kane warns him against what he’s doing but Elliot doesn’t listen.

The fight is far from over, and Sean knows it. Although they’ve sent a message, they’re also at their most vulnerable right now. Lale is quick to remind him of this, as Asif counts his losses and prepares to strike back harder.

Asif tasks Koba with going after Sean Wallace, telling him all of this happened on his watch. Asif blames his lapdog, which doesn’t go over too well, claiming that he lost focus and that’s why they were hit. Asif also tells him that the Investors have made their move. “Kill Sean Wallace or they’ll kill you.” Is the message they’ve relayed on? With a thin smile, Koba finished his drink and walks away.

Sean returns to Singer and tells him that Elliot is leaving the country today. Singer wishes Sean well and congratulates him on what he’s accomplished. He also brings up the fact that Wallace is leaving the country too. They want the Wallace’s back on top, but in order to do so, there will be conditions - namely that someone at the top pulls the reins tight. It’s a small price to pay for Sean, who is blinded by his desire to regain power. ..

Marian warns Shannon and Danny that Ed – who’s currently being tortured with his teeth being pulled out one at a time – has been captured and as such, Shannon and Danny need to get out.

Saba arrives to see Sean, telling him that there’s a meeting planned with Koba in 30 minutes’ time. It should be just the two of them and somewhere public. No weapons and hands on the table. If not, then it’s 100% going to be a war. Sean realizes this could be a trap but decides to go for it all the same. He also knows that Saba has a personal vendetta in all this, given he killed Basem. She admits she’d loved to kill him, but after putting the address in, Koba heads out to meet with Sean.

Elliot shows up again and is determined to find Ed. He sneaks down to the basement, eventually finding the guy but unfortunately making a lot of noise in the process. Thankfully he manages to get Ed out and dispatch the various guards, it also means breaking Ed’s hand with a baseball bat in order to get the cuff off. ..

In the hallway, Elliot manages to dispatch the rest of the guards with some slick slow-mo shots before getting Ed out to safety. The pair drive away and although Ed is battered and bloodied – he’s at least alive. Elliot brings him to Shannon’s but in doing so, loses his father, who’s shot dead at the airport.

Koba meets Sean at an arcade, which is a common place for him to meet new people. Sean has chosen this place so Koba stands out like a sore thumb. The pair exchange ideologies, but deep down they both want the same thing – power. Sean claims they’re not alike but knows that Koba hasn’t come empty-handed. He’s figured out that Koba plans to ambush them and kill Sean outright.

Sean has come up with a plan to take down the Investors and Koba is hesitant to go along with it, but they agree to team up in order to rule the city. What does this mean for the future of the city? It means that Koba will have to put his trust in Sean and work together in order to achieve their goals. This is an intriguing play but it will likely result in Koba being forced into a partnership with Sean if he does not want to lose control of the city.

Elliot shows up at Miss Kane’s place and confronts her about Charlie’s death. He’s not happy, blinded by rage, and despite her trying to talk herself out of this, claiming to be another cog in the machine, Elliot kills her outright. ..

The Episode Review

The big deal between Koba and Sean Wallace is that it remains to be seen whether this is just a long-game for Sean, intending to take out Koba when he least suspects it and double-crossing him. ..

As the story progresses, it becomes clear that Elliot has made a choice that will have serious consequences for both himself and those around him. He decides to help Ed and risk his own life in order to do what is right. However, this decision also risks the death of his father, who was killed outright in a rather shocking move. This complex story unfolds over time as Elliot makes different choices that will have far-reaching consequences.

Although this season has some visceral violence, it’s not as intense as in season 1. It’s still enjoyable though and there are moments that stand out, but this follow-up is also lacking that “wow factor” to really help it ping. ..