In the present, Charles chats with her on his mobile phone. Lucy says that Charles’ ex-wife is getting married – again – and that Lucy might come to visit him sometime soon. Charles starts the Brazos shooting in a jolly spirit that does not last long. The director lets him know of certain changes the studio has made to his character in light of his delicate situation with law enforcement. For safety and promptly writing him out of the show if things go awry, they have made him a little “demented” and put him in a “wheelchair”.

Oliver Storms Back Into His Van and Sees Lucy There Oliver’s Son is Having a Hard Time Directing the School’s Production of The Wizard of Oz. Oliver Can Barely Help Him, Stuck with the Case. On the Elevator, He sees a Familiar Face - Teddy Dimas. Well, He Isn’t Pleased and Promises to “Get” (Paraphrased) Oliver When He Will Never See It Coming. ..

Mabel is struggling with her new role as a mother and Teddy’s trial is looming. Lucy has been trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life and the murder of Bunny has been weighing on her mind. Charles is struggling with his guilt over the death of his son and Oliver is still trying to figure out who he really is. Howard has been helping Mabel with her new role as a mother, but he’s also keeping an eye on the trio.

Charles’ bathroom is a place of secrets. One of the many places where Charles hides his evidence is in his bathroom. Lucy discovered this passage while playing with her erstwhile neighbor, Anaya. Another passageway not in the blueprints. How many more secrets does the old Arconia have?

Oliver separates from the group to spy on the Dimas. Mable and Charles focus on Nina, learning that she, along with her boyfriend, is planning to renovate the building to generate more revenue and that’s why Bunny “had to go”. Oliver sees Theo and Teddy fight; a serious-minded sight that hits you hard. ..

Nina’s water breaks and she goes into labor. Charles calms her down in a genuinely comforting way. Mable and Lucy have a moment of truth where the former asks the latter to reveal why she really came back to Charles.

We learn that Lucy did not attend her mother’s wedding as she did not like the new husband. She confesses that she misses Charles and he is her favorite among all the “five” but she warns him that he has to be stronger if he wants to protect them.

It is then revealed that the footage from Lucy in the starting was from the night of her mother’s murder. She came on the day of her mother’s wedding to surprise Charles and rekindle their relationship but ran at the last moment. Lucy almost had an altercation with the murderer who used the passageway we see earlier in the episode. Lastly, Charles sees his call history and a host of missed calls from an “unknown”. He then visits Jan in jail, who is the “unknown”. ..

The Episode Review

“Here’s Looking at You” is one of the most quotable episodes in the entire two seasons of “Sherlock.” Each line is great, and I couldn’t find a better one-liner to put here. They’re all great. “Here’s Looking at You” perfectly represents the mix of drama and comedy that we expect from the show. The balance is pristine, and you laugh and tear up at different occasions in the same tenor of storytelling. We also get important clues about the murderer in the form of Charles’ daughter, Lucy, from his ex-wife. She was present in the building that night and heard voices of the act taking place in the secret passage. ..

The murderer is a man and he is allergic to dust. It is also insinuated that it is somebody from the building and it is quite likely that assertion is true. So, this would eliminate a lot of people in one go. The ladies, I mean. The father-child trope was recurring throughout. It was refreshing to see some part of Charles’ past, probably the only protagonist whom the creators have kept a little secretive all this while. In Oliver’s wonderful creative flair, the “Arcatacombs” is a stunning revelation and discovery for the show. It really opens doors for endless possibilities and if used correctly, will keep us guessing until the very end. This episode should be front and center whenever one wants to test out the show as a whole. If anyone asks why, ‘Here’s Looking at You’ is the answer