Sara is celebrating her 18th birthday and the girls at the manor wake her up with a cake and a birthday song. They give her new expensive riding jeans as a birthday gift. She initially tries to refuse them but they tell her it is tradition to pitch in and buy a birthday gift for each other every year.

Simon later meets Sara and gives her a birthday present from their mom and himself. Sara is not grateful for the new riding jeans and tells him the girls have her a better brand. She is hoping to return Simon’s gift and get the money instead. She is also not going home to celebrate with her family but will have a pajama party at the manor with the girls. Simon ignores her and calls Rosh and Ayub to wish her a happy birthday.

Simon tells his friends that he and Marcus are going to see a movie at Marcus’s place. Rosh and Ayub think this means that they will sleep together, but Simon and Sara think it is a better idea and say that Marcus is a better choice because he doesn’t need to be saved all the time. ..

Vincent is frustrated with the crown prince’s lack of respect for August. Wilhelm tells Vincent that maybe it is time they picked a new prefect. Wilhelm suggests that Vincent would make a great prefect and assures him that he would get more votes than August.

Wilhelm is asked to step out of class and the Royal family is taking action after his call to his mom. ..

Wilhelm refuses to leave and holds on to the desk as his guard tries desperately to make him leave. They are forced to call the queen who talks to Wilhelm. They reach an agreement that Wilhelm will remain at school if he takes his role as the crown prince seriously. He is also going to give a speech at the anniversary ceremony and attend therapy. In return, his mom will pull out the bodyguards and will discuss plans to help him come out when he turns 18. ..

After the incident, Wilhelm asks Simon if they are going to continue ignoring each other. He accuses Simon of not caring but Simon tells him that he went to the principal to ask her to help him. Wilhelm asks Simon to get back together but they will have to hide his relationship for the next two years. Simon refuses and says he has no plans to be his secret.

At the pajama birthday party, Sara accidentally discovers that Felice knows that August is the one who filmed the sex tape. The girls also talk about the people they have slept with and Sara admits to being a virgin. Sara becomes curious about sex after hearing this and asks the girls about their experiences. They all share stories of different kinds of sex they’ve had and Sara learns that it’s different with someone you care for. ..

Sara tells August that Felice was the one who told Wilhelm about the sex tape. August is worried that Felice will go public with the information but Sara tells him to consider publicly apologizing before Felice outs him.

She tells him that she likes him and that she would like to have sex with him. August is flustered and does not know what to say.

Simon decides to go on a movie date with Marcus at his house. Marcus makes the first move and kisses Simon. Simon politely tells him that he is interested in him and wants to take the relationship slowly. Simon is flustered and agrees so they just watch a movie. ..

Wilhelm attends his first therapy session but is hesitant to talk about himself. The therapist assures him that their discussion is confidential, but Wilhelm still refuses to open up.

Vincent decides to rally support from other boys and impeach August. August is livid much to the joy of Wilhelm who is enjoying taking away the things August cares about.

Felice invites Wilhelm to the shooting range to distract him from the Simon situation. Unfortunately, Marcus is the person supervising the students at the shooting range. Wilhelm keeps his cool and tells Felice that Simon and Marcus are currently dating. He is sad that Simon has moved on quickly like he meant nothing to him. Felice advises him to change tactics and find ways to spend more time with Simon.

Sara tells her friends that she is quitting riding and will be selling Rosseau. The other girls offer their horses to Sara but she is still sad about saying goodbye to Rosseau.

The next morning, the rowing team is led by their new captain to run a track to decide who qualifies for the team. Simon and Wilhelm have a late start and decide to cheat and take a shortcut. They run into Marcus and Wilhelm asks Simon how he knows Marcus. Simon gives him a lame excuse about everyone knowing everyone in a small town and doesn’t tell him they are dating. Thanks, to the shortcut they took, Wilhelm and Simon make the team.

August listens to his voicemail and is informed by Jan-Olof that the queen has requested his presence on Tuesday. Wilhelm also spots Simon receiving a message. He checks Simon’s phone and sees the message was from Marcus thanking him for the previous night and telling him how cute he looked running.

The Episode Review

Wilhelm should have known that the royal family would not take his outburst lying down. It was funny seeing him clutching to a desk as his bodyguard tried to forcibly remove him. I am glad they found a common ground – although temporarily.

Queen reaches out to August to ask what they can do to help Wilhelm. It’s doubtful that anything good will come from it, so it’s best for Wilhelm not to involve himself.

Simon doesn’t want to be Wilhelm’s secret because he doesn’t trust him and he can’t rely on Wilhelm to keep his promises. Wilhelm is asking too much of Simon and he isn’t obligated to have a relationship under his terms.

Sara is a rude and ungrateful person who tries to fit in. She should reflect on herself and be proud of her upbringing.

In this show, there are many boundaries and privacy issues. People are constantly going through each other’s phones without asking. This is not right and it needs to be fixed.