A Ghost From The Past

Billy Wallace is living a high life, painting landscapes and chilling by the pool. He’s made a quiet life for himself here… until Serwa shows up, a woman who works for Marian Wallace. She reveals that Elliot is back in London and he needs to head back to deal with this.

When he begins packing a bag to leave, his sister – Jacqueline – warns him that this won’t end well. “When you come back, who will you be?” She questions. ..

Elliot is still haunted by the events that transpired the previous night, with Alex killing himself rather than fighting back against the Investors. Miss Kane tells Elliot to keep his head, revealing he needs to meet a “friend” who has information for his next case. If he does this, then Kane will reveal exactly where his father is being held. ..

Elliot meets up with Koba and his boys, who are all eager to help him on his special assignment. They need to find out who killed Koba’s driver, and Elliot is the perfect person to help them. ..

Meanwhile, Luan rings Marian and warns that they need more guns. He’s had his seized following his mansion raid. “One of my men will be in touch,” She says. But then, as the camera zooms out, we see that Koba is sitting right there watching this transpire. ..

He applauds Luan’s performance and tells him to ring when they know more. Koba obviously has his wife held captive so his hands are tied, forcing the gangster into submission. Ed is not happy though, pointing out that they don’t get families involved. “If you’re stupid enough to have a family in this world then it’s fair game.” Koba says nonchalantly.

Asif brings this to Asif, but the latter has news for the big man. He points out that Alex has committed suicide. Asif believes something snapped in him and Ed is understandably distraught. He keeps it together until he gets in the car outside, where he drives off and struggles to hold back tears.

Billy returns to Marian but this isn’t the time for a family reunion. He wants blood and, in particular, Elliot’s. Billy is dead-set on killing him, so Marian tells him to take her men with him, unwilling to see another of her children killed.

Koba is at the scene of a crime with three dead Somali men. It seems as though someone has had their way with these guys, and it’s not Luan’s doing. With bloody notes stuffed in their mouths and the whole ordeal incredibly gruesome, it seems as though there’s someone else operating in the wings.

Elliot shows up at the last minute to meet with Ed, his old friend and rival. After a tense standoff, Elliot finally receives the location to his father. He’s being kept in a residential home so Elliot races off to see him. The poor guy doesn’t look great - he has a broken leg, cuts all over his face - but still has the same upbeat humor he had the last time Elliot saw him. ..

Asif has done his homework and through some clever work, figures out the truth. He realizes that the gun shipment money has been funnelled through Bradbury Holdings. Now, Finn used them to hide 1.5 billion of the investors’ money previously, and now Marian is using it for her gun-running. How? Well, the answer appears to be in Finn’s mistress.

Koba wants to deal with this immediately but Asif suggests they wait and keep everyone in line first. Asif heads off to see Rutherford, the lawyer in charge of the account and after some hard negotiating, agrees to tell them everything about the Shell Company.

Luan meets with Marian’s contact, but of course this whole thing is a set-up and he soon realizes that. Darragh (the man who meets Luan) hasn’t check in, predictably, while Elliot is holding out in a church biding his time. That’s not somewhere Billy intends to murder someone, while Elliot is desperate for a way out – no matter the cost.

Shannon and Alex are brokenhearted when they hear about their son, Alex. Darragh is tortured for information, with Luan showing with a baseball bat and forced into working with Koba. As for Billy, he heads to their old house and phones home, just to hear Jacqueline’s voice again. She encourages him to come back, but instead he looks set to shoot up heroin, determined to push the pain of Sean’s death aside. Billy doesn’t though, stopping at the last second and heading out.

Darragh eventually reveals where Marian is, while Elliot shows up to see Basem at the market. There, Saba reveals that he can’t trust Hakim given he’s working with Koba and could undermine what they’re doing. Just like that, Basem is suddenly killed in cold blood, right in front of Saba.

An unknown assailant apologizes and bolts before Elliot arrives. However, Billy is there too and comes face to face with Elliot. He doesn’t shoot Elliot though, instead firing just behind as a massive firefight breaks out in the market as Algerians, desperate for revenge against what’s happened to Basem, open fire. ..

Billy eventually lets Elliot go when they come face to face again, letting the latter slip away. Unfortunately, he’s also shot in the chest. Killian reverses the car, which flies right off the edge of the dock and into the water as a barrage of bullets from the gangsters rain down on them. As the car sinks, Billy survives but holds his breath and evades the gang as they fire into the water.

Billy is saved by Sean Wallace, who drives a red car. We see him driving away in a car that is also red. Billy looks happy and relieved as he drives away.

The Episode Review

This story is a shocker because it turns out that Sean Wallace, the man who was thought to be dead, is still alive. I was really surprised by this turn of events and I’m glad that everyone else who wrote reviews on this story included no mention of this even being part of the story. This makes for a great read because there are no spoilers in this article so you can read it without any worry about ruining the surprises.

In the second episode of “Killing Eve,” we see Billy back in the fray and learn more about the drama involving Marian and what they have planned for Koba and Asif. Koba is turning into a very intriguing character, and he’s a dangerous thorn in the side of Marian and the others. ..

With Sean Wallace now alive and out for revenge, the story of our characters will have to wait and see.