Episode Guide

Orange Juice, No Pulp: The Scion is a great choice for those who want a refreshing drink without the pulp. It has a 5/5 review score and is easy to drink. The Gold Digger is also great for those who want a refreshing drink without the pulp. It has a 4.5/5 review score and is also easy to drink. The Fielder Method is also great for those who want a refreshing drink without the pulp. It has a 5/5 review score and is easy to drink. Pretend Daddy is also great for those who want a refreshing drink without the pulp. It has a 5/5 review score and is easy to drink.

The Rehearsal is a reality show full of absurd scenarios that are full of absurdity. For example, on the show, there is a secret baby-switch through the window of a newly-constructed farmhouse. There also is a silent birthday party populated only by people miming their interactions. Lastly, there is a fake death where someone dies without knowing it.

The show is a way for people to learn how to be themselves, even if that means they have to fake it until they make it. But the question of how best to do that has more complicated implications than Fielder expected.

Can you really prepare for anything? In the course of this comedy docudrama, Fielder wrestles the rehearsals away from their original subjects and focuses the lens on his own personal journey. Rather than deliver a kitschy reality concept as expected from such a pitch, this comedy docudrama asks the tough questions, including, “Can you really prepare for anything?”

This exploration draws a fine line between simulation and manipulation. When creating a rehearsal for Angela, a 40-year-old Christian woman wondering if it’s time to have a baby, Fielder manufactures an incredible operation consisting of a plethora of child actors and essentially a new life for Angela.

As rehearsals for a play get underway, the actor playing Fielder becomes increasingly obsessed with perfecting the performance, reliving scenarios again and again from different perspectives until it’s difficult to tell where reality begins and ends. ..

The original purpose of the rehearsal starts to fade away and Angela’s controlling hand in this evokes challenging questions about the ethics of his approach. The unique thing about Fielder’s show, however, is that it invites and revels in these questions, getting us to challenge previously held notions (regarding, for example, the inner workings of “reality TV” or the exploitative nature of hiring child actors).

The Rehearsal is a hilarious show that provides positive messages. The show makes every deduction feel so fresh and revelatory, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more hilarious show with as many creative and poignant reflections.

The door is open for The Rehearsal to take on a new shape, and it’s a mystery where Fielder will take us in season 2–but it’s certain to be surreal, funny, and insightful with Nathan Fielder at the helm.

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