Between The Fire And The Pan

Lino tells Amy why he scheduled the check-up early and when to expect the results. Amy tells him that they have been stretching grace with the seven years they have had. Lino assures her that if the results are positive they will beat the cancer again.

The doctor’s appointment proves that Lino’s cancer is back and it has moved to his lungs. The doctor believes that Lino can get through this as he is young and strong. He has also been cancer-free for 7 years, but there are new medications that can help him.

They explain to Idalia that Lino is sick but he will get better. Amy leans on her family to help them take care of Idalia as Lino begins treatment. Lino is worried that the cancer is taking away his time with Idalia. He tells Zora that he still has so much to teach Idalia and he wants to see her have a good life. Zora thanks him for choosing to fight his cancer and says whether he is sick or healthy they love having him around.

As they talk while he is getting chemotherapy, Lino spikes a fever and his condition immediately deteriorate. The doctors think he has an infection and have sedated him by the time Amy gets there. They are pausing the chemotherapy until they can cure his infection. The staff at the hospital keep being rude to Amy and Zora because they don’t realize they are Lino’s family. This scene got my blood boiling.

Zora takes Amy out to calm down while the doctors run more tests to figure out the type of infection Lino has. Amy realizes Zora has been acting differently and asks her if she is pregnant. She is indeed pregnant but was scared to share the news given the current situation with Lino. Amy is happy for her and congratulates her saying it is the best news ever.

Filomena calls to find out how Lino is doing, she is superstitious and tells Amy about a dream she had of the Blessed Mother. Amy doesn’t want to hear about the dream and Lino being called home. She tries to change the topic but Filomena tells her as much as she prays Lino’s life is not in their hands.

The family sneak Idalia into the hospital so she can spend some time with her father. After the visit, Lino asks Amy to go home and let him rest as he is feeling tired.

Amy goes home and shares her frustration with the hospital with Zora. They keep doing tests and no one is explaining to them what the results mean. She wants to understand what is going on.

Ken is worried that Zora isn’t taking good care of herself. She’s always taking care of Amy, but this time she needs to rest especially because her blood pressure is high. Ken’s worried that they might lose the pregnancy. ..

The family is supportive of the couple and hope that he can get better. Zora is scared that Lino is not getting better and the doctors also feel the same. They would like to do a liver transplant but the worst part is the doctors are telling her different things. Amy confronts one of his doctors but she doesn’t tell her anything.

Filomena is upset when she learns her father is dying. She is worried about how she will tell Idalia that her father is dying. She gets advice from a child therapist to help her deal with the news.

The man dies suddenly and his wife has to organize and hold an intimate party with family and friends to say their goodbyes. His last wish is for his wife to take his ashes back home to Sicily and find love again. ..

The Episode Review

This was a difficult episode to watch, it felt like my heart was being wrenched out of my chest. I think it was a beautiful yet tragic love story. As much as it is sad, it is still romantic that Lino died while it rained just like the first night they got together in Italy. There is some solace that they were able to say goodbye.