Alice is brought out of the forest and given medical attention. She is held by Ducourt, who stands next to her the whole time. The doctors make sure that she is out of danger and allow her to rest. Ducourt too asks Varese to keep watch and not let her go from the camp. ..

In a flashback just after the day Ben and Alice met in the former’s car, Ducourt has lunch with Alice. He warns her to never come near him again like that and stop talking about Ben to him.

Ducourt tells Varese not to reveal that Alice defied orders and risked her life by falling into the turret staircase. Ducourt is fed up with how the Prefect and other politicians have demanded unreasonable things from the department. Alice’s pregnancy news gets out and Varese too congratulates her. She asks Alice to remain in the camp, despite her insistence to keep on helping with the mission. Her tone is also reprimanding as Alice put her life in danger and slowed down the mission. It is her irrational thinking and decision-making that will continue to be a hindrance for all teams she is a part of.

Alice says to Varese, “When the one you love is immersed in the very heart of the fire, it’s impossible to understand what they’re feeling.” But Colonel Varese is unmoved. Alice feels like her actions are because she wants to become the brilliant firefighter that Ben never had the chance to become. She wants to make him proud. Varese goes out and breaks down by a fire truck. We go back to the day Varese hired Alice and she was instantly charmed by her. She also saw Alice and Ben together at the concert, stealing looks and holding hands. Varese feels like she might never be able to love someone as Alice got to. ..

Victoire tells her life story. She was a bright child but quickly got bored of the routine. She started going out and because of her beauty, got a lot of male attention. Drugs were next and she has since not been able to shrug off the addiction. She has regret how she drifted apart from her family and wishes she could have changed things. The pharmacist denies giving her doses of the drugs despite Victoire pleading with him. She has guilt over Pam’s death (she doesn’t know it yet) but the pharmacist isn’t moved. Pam tells Max about Rico and that he was the one who gave them the drugs.

Father Varese, one of the fathers from the cathedral, ran into the firehouse and told the firefighters that there was a vault in the chapel behind the fire in the nave that had the real crown of thorns. Varese gathered a couple of firefighters and went into to save the crown. Alice and Elena eventually met and started talking about their experiences. When they reached the vault, Father Varese forgot the password but started praying to calm himself down. He eventually came around and took out the crown. ..

Varese holds it to her heart and rejoices as she has never done before. Victoire leaves Billy at a bar and goes off herself to La Caire to get the drugs. Max reaches Rico’s and gives him bundles of money he owed but some are still left. He asks for Victoire’s location but Rico denies knowing it, despite his man calling him on the spot and telling him Victoire is there. Victoire is given the drugs and she goes upstairs to take them. Rico asks Max to fight for him so that people can pay a lot of money to see the former champ in action after almost two decades. ..

Ducourt is informed of the situation and decides to order the evacuation of the north belfry. The bells will be saved, but the structure will come down.

The north tower will be the first to collapse, followed by the south tower, then the walls, and finally the nave. Steph grabs Elena from the crowd and asks her to do a live stream. He also asks about Antony but Elena doesn’t tell the truth. Varese demands that Ducourt allow them to go to the Chimera gallery and save the belfry and the towers. ..

Notre Dame is in trouble. The football team is struggling and the administration is not sure how to save it. Ducourt must believe that they can do it. Ducorut is convinced after a long pause. Adamski is able to escape unseen and heads toward the cathedral.

The Episode Review

The Notre Dame writers seem to have no regard for logic or reason. In every sequence they put their characters in, they seem to be having a hard time getting their basics right.

Episode 5 of “The Good Place” is a mess. The set-ups are easy to understand and follow, but the events that take place are cliched and without any real emotion.

The Notre Dame fire has once again brought attention to the issue of religious freedom and how it is being violated in many ways. The church’s mishandling of the situation has caused a lot of pain and anger, and it seems like this will only continue to happen if we don’t take action.