An Old Friend
Chief Inspector Ohana questions Jenny about her relationship with Chauncey. After their run-in, Jenny has realized that she is working with him.
As they talk, Ohana mentions that Chauncey was originally betrayed by a double agent. She doesn’t trust Jenny but offers her a deal to try and win her over; double-cross Chauncey, team up with Europol and take him down.
After Ohana’s return, Chauncey and Chris question her about the events that transpired in the hotel room. It is clear that Ohana has something she wants to keep hidden, and it seems as though she may have chosen to question Chauncey and Chris rather than go back to the police station. ..
Chauncey tells Jenny that he was engaged to a CIA agent called Rose. Their operation was financed by an unknown partner whom he believes is actually Gideon.
Rose was the one who figured out who this person was, but unfortunately when Chauncey followed the intel, it led him back to Rose. After stopping her from detonating the bomb, Chauncey was forced to shoot her. And that means this whole operation against Felipe/Gideon and everyone else is personal, believing he’s responsible for what happened.
Claire is having a tough time lately. First, her laptop was stolen, and now she’s getting weird messages on social media that seem to be from the thief. It seems like Becca is the only one who could have done it, but Claire can’t prove it. ..
Becca realizes this too and moves back into Jenny’s hotel room. Only, she winds up seeing Jenny and Chauncey together, immediately believing they’re hooking up. When she confronts her mum about it, the pair argue and it leads to Jenny shoving her daughter into the wall by holding her round the throat. Jesus.
After the earlier incident at the hotel, Ohana arrives to see Chauncey. She demands to know the truth about Jenny but Chauncey manages to convince her to stand down.
Jenny has been accepted into Felipe’s inner-circle and after her earlier wobbles with the hotel room and the club, things are on the up.
Anya is tasked with seducing a man and entering his safe, only to find nothing inside.
Back in the present, Jenny meets Damian. It turns out they actually know each other from a previous life. Damian has been looking for Jenny for years. Their happy reunion is soon broken up by Jenny urging him to speak about Gideon. The thing is, he’s not budging for her own protection and it soon becomes clear that he’s in love with her. Or at least with Anya anyway. ..
Unfortunately, the pair’s ordeal is made worse when they realize that Tomas has followed them. Jenny gives chase and eventually the pair fight, with Jenny able to trap his coat in the train door. Only, the knock-on effect to this sees him killed as the train leaves the station. She is literally the worst agent I’ve ever seen. How many bodies is this now?!
Anyway, as the episode comes to a close, it is revealed that Svetlana is actually Gideon! Gideon speaks to Damian and asks for Jenny to be kept out of her current operation. Unnervingly, she produces a stopwatch and begins humming. Damian is transported underwater and appears to be under Svetlana’s control, just like Lidia was. ..
The Episode Review
Gideon’s true identity is revealed as Svetlana, a shape-shifting bumbling espionage agent who is mind controlling her subjects. This combination of characters creates a unique and exciting plot line that will keep you guessing until the end.
That’s probably just as well because the espionage elements of this show have been lackluster, to say the least. I man, who conducts an interview at the hotel? No less the crime scene of all places.
Jenny has managed to obtain Ohana’s identity and is likely to use it to do some real damage. It shouldn’t be too difficult for her, as we’ve seen from this show how bungled the simplest of operations can become. ..
The ending is just enough to keep things interesting but this certainly hasn’t been a spy thriller to remember! ..