The girl is sitting on the toilet, taking a break from brushing her teeth. She looks up as the door opens and her best friend walks in. She is surprised to see him there and they start talking. The girl starts to feel nervous and embarrassed, but her best friend just keeps talking to her. Eventually, they get up and leave together.

Birdy is telling the girls about a party she went to with Nathan and the girls tease her for bringing up the new friends she has made in her relationship. Maggie wants to spend some time with Birdy, but she also wants to spend time with Nathan. This makes Maggie feel left out but chooses to keep it to herself.

Maggie’s work life is going well too. She’s hitting it off with her boss, and she even invites her to the house party, which she accepts.

Nell tells her daughters that she is nervous about breaking up with Neil. They are all happy for her and Amara has been called back for an interview. Maggie assumes that Amara will be quitting her job, but Amara clarifies that she has no plans to leave yet. She is angry that Maggie doesn’t get or see the struggles she goes through. ..

Nell and Neil’s breakup doesn’t go as smoothly as she had hoped. Neil doesn’t want to break up and feels ambushed by the decision. Meanwhile, Birdy gets employee of the month and uses the reward points to buy a platter. She plans to keep it to herself and Maggie doesn’t understand why they can’t use it in their first home.

At the house party, things are going well. People are having a good time except for Birdy who is stressed out about the mess. She is enjoying herself and is happy that Maggie is using her platter and that people are in her room. Amara and Maggie ask her to calm down and have fun. ..

Birdy says she doesn’t want to have fun at the party and feels like it is a waste. This prompts Amara to point out she doesn’t feel the same when she is spending time with Nathan and his friends. Birdy says that it is different and they will understand once they are in a proper relationship. Her remarks hurt Maggie, and she asks her to go and be with Nathan because it is clear she prefers to be with him. Birdy leaves the party.

Maggie went out to buy more drinks and ran into some boys she had never seen before. They were strange looking, and she thought they might be interesting. Turns out they were thieves, and they stole some of the girls’ stuff. ..

Nell is furious when her work laptop is stolen and Maggie promises to fix it. He visits his landlord, who asks him to let them off the rent this month but he refuses. He gives them a week but they accidentally get high together. ..

After spending a night high in Liverpool, a sobering reality sets in for 22-year-old Alyssa as she contemplates her current financial situation. Her bank account is nearly empty and she needs to get back home to California soon, but she can’t afford the train ticket on her own. She calls her old hook-up partner, Birdy, for help. Although hesitant at first, Birdy agrees to send Alyssa the money she needs for the train ticket–on one condition: that she think about the consequences of her decisions before taking them. Alyssa thanks him and hangs up feeling grateful for his help. ..

In the flashback, Birdy is sad that her dad missed her concert and failed to pick her up for the weekend. Maggie dresses up as her dad to cheer her up and watches her performance. After the performance, Birdy says she is the only person in the world who makes her feel better. ..

Maggie finally arrives home and she walks in on Birdy and Nathan’s small dinner party with another couple. She meets Danny and Fran and they are curious about where she has been and why she is carrying a big inflatable dildo balloon. Maggie explains she is getting back from Liverpool and the balloon is a trinket for the living room.

Birdy ignores her but Nathan calls her out for loving drama. He points out that although he wishes not to get involved with their business, Birdy was worried about her when she didn’t pick up her calls. Maggie doesn’t know how to respond so she goes to take a bath.

After Nathan tells her about how he feels, Birdy heads downstairs and overhears him. She doesn’t understand how she has put up with her for 13 years, but she is grateful that Nathan is telling her this.

The Episode Review

Maggie and Birdy’s relationship has shifted with Nathan coming into the picture. However, I feel that Birdy is diving headfirst into the relationship with Nathan and neglecting her friendship with Maggie and the other girls. ..

Maggie keeps making the wrong decisions; she not only inconveniences herself but also her friends. She is impulsive and doesn’t learn from her previous mistakes. Yes, she can be exhausting but that was not the right time and place to discuss it. If Birdy felt that way she should have spoken directly to Maggie. What do you think, did Nathan have a right to bat in? Was it right for Birdy to discuss Maggie in such a manner?