The Drone

Jang Ha-Ri’s arrow pierces the head of one of the infected, and as it falls to the ground, our quartet can hear a loud moan coming from its body. They all back up in surprise as they see that the moaning is coming from their own bathroom. The door to their bathroom is open, and there are four infected inside - two of them have already killed themselves.

Nam-Ra watches the helicopters in the distance and fears that they will never be saved. ..

The Korean government makes a decision to quarantine the entire area of Hyosan and declare martial law. Although On-Jo’s father manages to make it to safety with the others, this decision from the government turns the common people against those in Hyosan. ..

The border between Mexico and the United States has become a hotspot for violence as people desperate to escape the country turn on those inside. The situation has gotten so bad that police have had to start using pepper spray and tear gas to disperse the crowds.

As the fight unfolds, our protagonist finds himself surrounded by enemies. He uses his knife to fend off the attackers, but it is not enough. Gwi-Nam arrives just in time and slices through the attacker’s arm, saving Cheong-San from certain death.

Cheong-San eventually throws Gwi-Nam down to the infected, stabbing his eye and leaving him to his fate. Cheong-San does eventually manage to make it out the library and is saved at the last second by Ha-Ri and her arrows. ..

The government of Hyosan has decided to cut off all communications with the outside world in order to prevent the spread of rumours and ill theories. They are now on their own. ..

The government has pledged to use its resources to save as many people as possible, but with no way to communicate, signals are dying all over town and Cheong-San’s captured phone only has a 6% chance of being useful. ..

The group inside the broadcasting room decide to take some action. Specifically, they’re going to formulate a plan to save Cheong-San. Joon-yeong and On-Jo team together to find a drone and use that to locate him.

The drone begins flying over the city, capturing footage of just how widespread the infection actually is. ..

The group of students who had been sneaking around the school during their break, noticed that Mi-Jin and the others were missing. They quickly realized that they had jumped down to the dumpsters on the ground floor, which was close to where a drone was flying. The group decided to take the drone further outside of the school, where they found Ji-Min’s dad’s truck smashed up. ..

They head for the hospital where her parents have been infected. The drone eventually loses battery and tumbles to the floor.

Jae-Ik and his friends, Hee-Su and the baby, find themselves in a difficult situation. The baby is still alive but dehydration is quickly taking its toll. Jae-Ik sets to work trying to find some milk to stop the rate of dehydration.

The group of survivors are taken to an island holding a private prison. This is a quarantine zone designed for the survivors of Hyosan. They’re being kept there and need to surrender all of their personal belongings. That includes the Congresswoman too, who is forced to follow protocol.

The wait time is between 12-72 hours to be seen, and right now they’re being kept behind bars. However, other survivors are there too, all huddled up together like cattle. ..

We cut back to the library and Gwi-Nam is still alive. According to Byeong-Chan’s overlapping narration, it appears the cells as part of this virus have evolved and mutated to such a degree that they’ve become sentient. So with Gwi-Nam, he is basically infected but a super-zombie of sorts.

With a burning eye and a red-hot vengeance, he remains fixated on finding Cheong-San. ..

The Episode Review

In a game-changing twist, Gwi-Nam is actually alive and the virus has managed to learn and evolve, turning him into a super-being. This new development completely turns the series upside down and with it, the first inklings of contrived plot points. The idea that Gwi-Nam isn’t actually dead and that the virus has managed to learn and evolve is going into the realm of LUCA: The Beginning.

It’s still intriguing, but it’s also a little disheartening to learn that those with a truly evil heart can survive this, presumably anyway.

This article is about how people on the other side of the coin are just as bad as those on the other side. I’ll let you be the judge of that!

Despite some flaws, the story is still intriguing. The drone subplot feels like a way of padding out run-time, but it does move the plot forward. ..

Despite that, All of Us Are Dead has been a solid watch and it’s certainly been an enjoyable one. It’s not perfect, and at times the show is a tad too long, but there’s enough intrigue in this one to keep coming back for more.