It is important to teach your children well, not just in terms of what they should do, but also how they should feel. This way, they will be able to lead successful lives and be happy with themselves.

In the second episode of The Winchester brothers’ new show, Barry is killed by a creature that looks like his father. Dean then narrates how parents have the responsibility of teaching their children many things, including how to kill monsters. ..

Dean says that it is important for kids to break away from their parents’ control before things get too ugly. At the same time, Mary, John and their friends are following Samuel’s trail in a bunker that is filled with dead Zombies.

Ada says that the bunker was destroyed and that there is no information about the Akrida anymore. Mary is sure that her dad was at the bunker too and that he has information about the Akrida. She is sure that Samuel made it out alive after she finds shell casings with his initials engraved in them.

Lata wonders why Samuel was not contacting Mary when he says that the casings were his way of contacting her. Just then, the zombies wake up and start attacking the group. Lata tries to open the rune box but is unable to do so.

After their battle with the zombies, John and Mary find themselves surrounded by the creatures. John manages to kill one of the creatures, but Mary kills the other. After their battle, Mary states that Samuel always covers his tracks.

She finds an article about a recent monster activity right where they found the casing. The article mentions that there must be a reason why the casings were left in the bunker. Mary decides to investigate further.

She decides that they should go look into it. Carlos explains how their main goal is to find the Men of Letters and not go on a hunt in the middle of everything. Just like Samuel, Mary does not hear him out and decides that Ada needs to stay back and work on fixing the rune box.

John and Mary are on the hunt. Carlos is following them, but he’s still worried. Mary tries to reassure him that everything will be okay.

John’s mother yells at him for disappearing on her like his father. He has a fight with her again and leaves without saying a word to her. John is upset with his mother and leaves without saying goodbye. ..

John learns the first rule of investigating during a hunt: don’t be bossy and follow in the footsteps of your father.

Just then, John and Mary return as the latter tells them that they had a case to work on in the town. She narrates how Barry went missing after he attended a commune with a girl named Maya. Barry went missing after he attended a commune with a girl named Maya. ..

The commune is a place where Carlos and Mary dance and Lata joins in. John watches from his spot on the sidelines. They all dress for the event and attend together. The four split into groups of two to ask around about Barry.

John and Mary are talking to Clyde who thinks that Barry had fled to California. Mary is suspicious of Clyde and notices the pendant on his necklace.

Ada arrives at the Winchester garage to meet his mother. She redirects the group to research who the monster could be with the information they have. At the same time, Ada arrives at the garage to meet his father.

Millie Winchester is annoyed with Ada because she keeps mentioning her brother Henry Winchester. Ada mentions that Henry is her brother and Millie is interested in getting in touch with him.

Ada tells Millie that the plant Henry had planted outside their house was meant to protect them from the jasmine, which leaves Millie wondering. The four rookie hunters are sure that the monster they are looking for is a shapeshifter and set out to hunt it. ..

Clyde sees a nun he was talking to in the creature who invokes fear in him, making him disappear. He then sees a woman with a child and gets lost in the forest just like Barry did. He sees the nun he was talking to in the creature who invokes fear in him, making him disappear. Mary tells John how the family used to hunt shapeshifters by picking up on the creature’s slip-ups as they also walk down the forest.

John is annoyed by his mother when Carlos calls them to see the girl Clyde was with. Carlos explains that now Clyde was missing too. Lily states that the shifter is a creature called the “mimic” who can only be killed using copper weapons.

John suggests that they consider using copper weapons to take on the creature. Carlos says that it is the only metal he does not carry weapons made out of because it is a cheap metal. John suggests an idea that could help them when Lata chimes in to mention that they could be dealing with a different creature.

John takes the copper pipes from the hotel and makes the weapons. Mary is not willing to take her input and asks John to use the copper pipes from the hotel to make the weapons. Lata still picks the purple flower for her to look up later. Ada is at the clubhouse, making herself tea out of the jasmine she picked out of the Winchester house.

Ada tells Lata that she found a purple flower in one of the books she was carrying. After the call, Ada begins to scribble in a trance.

John is back at the hotel, pulling out the copper pipes. Mary and Carlos are by themselves for the first time. Mary asks John why he was so upset with her. Carlos shares that she was behaving like Samuel and ignoring the other members of her group. ..

He asks Mary to stop and rethink her leadership choices. Lata finds them walking and brings proof of why the creature they were hunting down was not a mimic. She mentions that the creature is called La Tunda who was a woman once.

After the children disobeyed her, she chopped them up to feed them to her flower gardens – the same purple flower they discovered. Lata says that the creature preys on disobedient children by shifting into a familiar face to lure them in.

John rushes to answer the door, finding a stranger on the doorstep. The stranger is Mary, who has just realised that John also spoke about standing up to his mother. They help John take down his mother and protect themselves from her threats.

John finds Millie at the door and tries to reassure her that he will be okay. Millie tries to instigate John by saying how Henry did not want him and blames him for being the reason why he left them.

John and Millie discuss the creature they found in the woods. John tells Millie that the creature is his mother, but she does not believe him. The La Tunda comes to help them fight off the creature, shocking John.

As they search through the room, they find a bunch of flowers left behind by John. Mary starts regretting her decision not to listen to them and apologises for not being more listen to them. Carlos breaks out into laughter at Mary apologizing and they set out to look for John.

Mary lets Lata take the reins of the hunt since she was the one who found the creature. John, Barry and Clyde are trapped in roots. The trio of John, Lata and Carlos try to look up ways to destroy the monster.

Lata mentions that they could use part of her own magic to destroy her. Carlos is sure he knows there is a way to find the creature. Meanwhile, La Tunda is back to torturing Barry as his father when John manages to escape.

He frees Clyde and is about to help Barry when La Tunda transforms into Millie and promises to punish him. Carlos leads Mary and Lata to a trail of purple flowers as John fights the La Tunda. The creature tackles John when the trio show up.

Barry and Lata help John while Mary tries to fight La Tunda. Mary tells John to injure the creature by breaking its leg and he is able to do so, immediately killing her. The next morning, John and Mary drop Barry off to his father and the duo is satisfied with the union.

John visits Millie to reconcile with her and introduces her to Mary. Millie has repaired Mary’s car for her and John talks to her as Mary drives away. John apologizes to Mille for taking out his dad’s anger on her. ..

John and Millie share a passionate kiss as Carlos and Mary reconcile their differences. Ada shares that she had a lead on the box, and John joins them to celebrate.

Ada takes them to her secret chamber, where she had started scribbling unconsciously and shows them her notes. Ada mentions that she was able to access the remaining traces left by the demon who possessed her using the potion.

A woman in a black cloak goes to the forest with the purple flowers and collects a red bead from La Tunda’s lair. The notes will help them track the demons involved in the last hunt which could answer all of their questions. Meanwhile, a woman in a black cloak goes to the forest with the purple flowers and collects a red bead from La Tunda’s lair as she has a pack of wolf-like creatures following her. ..

It seems like the Winchester brothers are back to their old ways of hunting monsters and it doesn’t seem like not having John with them would do much damage. I would love to watch a show about Mary’s adventures before she met John and the character could very well be her ex-boyfriend. ..

The basic plot of The Winchesters seems to be a big plot hole. If we consider this new show as a fresh new tv show, with no link to Supernatural, this episode was really interesting.

There are still some unanswered questions about the show’s lore and plot. We don’t have as much information as we used to, and we don’t know why the makers decided not to explain how the jasmine plant Henry planted was protecting Mary. ..

After the hunt, La Tunda collects the monster’s essence from the forest. This promises a bigger and more complex monster in upcoming episodes. ..