This Is Where It Begins

Adam Neumann, a recent hire at WeWork, is in for a big test. The board of directors has called an emergency meeting to discuss his role in the company’s recent financial problems. But Adam’s wife, Rebekah, is not happy about the way things are going and she’s determined to save her husband. Can Adam make a clean break with the company and save it from bankruptcy?

Adam is down on his luck, and everywhere he turns he’s receiving blanket “no”s. He even pitches a concept living idea – a foreshadowed glimpse of his upcoming business – but it doesn’t work. However, his words do spur the interest of a man called Miguel, who happens to have cheap office space available. So Adam decides to tag along and see this for himself.

Rebekah is a single, successful woman who adamantly rejects Adam at first, but he persists and eventually convinces her to go out for dinner. However, things quickly go sour and the two end up fighting.

Rebekah and Adam argue about his failed business ventures at work. However, the next day, after hearing about her financial troubles, he comes to her studio to support her and they start kissing. ..

Despite the pair dating, Rebekah still isn’t convinced that Adam has what it takes to sell. She tells him he needs to be passionate about what he’s selling and she doesn’t see that right now.

Adam wakes up the next day to find that Miguel has already started work on his new business venture. He decides to team up with him and help him get started. However, it’s Miguel who is doing most of the work while Adam presents himself as a salesman.

Randall takes an interest in Greendesk, while Adam works his magic to sell the entire concept. It’s essentially workspace they’re pitching, and it doesn’t take long before the place is completely abuzz with people. However, the time is not good, given it’s off the back of the housing crash. After selling their company off to Randall for 500k, Adam and Miguel find themselves struggling…. until Adam gets a burst of inspiration.

Yevgeny Risakov is a man who has had a lot of success in his career. He has a great office space, but it needs a lot of renovation. Miguel and Adam manage to convince Yevgeny to see what they see and agree to help out with the project.

There are a lot of slick pop-up graphics here, showing what could be with a bit of effort. Risakov agrees to invest in Adam and Miguel’s company. But they don’t actually have a company or a business prospect just now so that’s a risky play.

In a meeting with Adam and the board members, he gushes over how well their business is doing but his slippery words don’t work on the suits. They reject his idea of an IPO and eventually get down to brass tacks. The board have voted and he’s out of the company.

The Episode Review

WeWork releases its first episode today, depicting the story of Adam Neumann and the tumultuous rise and fall of the company WeWork. There is admittedly a bit of overacting here, especially as Jared Leto theatrically dances around from one scene to the next, but to be fair he gets Adam Neumann’s accent spot on so I won’t judge that too harshly. ..

Apple’s new show “The Crown” is receiving mixed reviews from viewers. Some say the show is too long while others say it looks great. ..

WeWork is on the rise, but it’s not without its challenges. The company is facing competition from larger rivals, and it’s also been forced to make changes to its business model in order to stay afloat. This story will be interesting to watch play out as WeWork tries to survive in the competitive landscape.