It Was Murder, She Said!

In 1947, the world was on the brink of war. An alien showed up and saved humanity from certain doom. Destroying our weapons and forcing humans to stop fighting in a single day, Marvelous Man is here to save us all. World peace appeared possible… but forces conspire in the background to try and stop him.

On Marvelous Man Day, the world’s favorite superhero is scheduled to give a speech to the masses. However, it becomes clear that he is struggling with depression, and his appearance is not looking good. ..

As Marvelous Man’s final moments come to a close, The Speed rushes over to see what this means for them. With his last breath, Marvelous Man reveals that he has a weakness to caltronite, which means that The Speed will have to find a way to stop him before he dies.

Knight Hawk and the Guardians of the Galaxy are investigating a murder that has left Marvelous Man’s partner, Laura Louis, convinced that her husband has been killed. There’s no way he’d do this, and the only person able to try and get to the bottom of this is Knight Hawk. He connects with the rest of the Guardians, determined to assume control of them for now and make sure the planet stays protected no matter what.

In a televised address, President Nicholas E. Nukem of the United States promises to prevent nuclear war by preventing the world from consuming nuclear weapons. He makes this pledge in light of the current global nuclear arms race and the dangers it poses to both humanity and nature.

Knight Hawk urges the team to work together and continue fighting the good fight across the planet. This includes stopping cyborg dinosaurs with guns on their back.

Marvelous Man was actually working on stopping nuclear war, and with the world on the brink of destruction, Adison Walker wants Hawk to investigate the Guardians themselves. ..

As the episode ends, we cut to a crime scene down an alleyway, with numerous bodies killed and placed in the shape of a smiley face. Uh oh.

The Episode Review

Netflix has announced their newest superhero show, Jupiter’s Legacy. The show is a hybrid animation/live-action romp that follows the story of a group of scientists who try to create a new superhero using an experimental project called Jupiter’s Legacy. However, the experiment goes wrong and the scientists are forced to fight for their lives against an unknown enemy.

This is a campy, cheesy satire that definitely hits those beats. The trouble is, there’s nothing particularly clever or original here.

The show has a mix of live-action Cowboy Bebop and anime-style graphics, but it’s not sure what kind of show it wants to be.

The new superhero series “Justice League” gets off to a rather wobbly start. ..