Why Is there So Much Legalese in Magic!?

Anzu is a young woman who has always been fascinated by the world of video games. She’s never been able to afford one, but she’s always dreamed of owning one. When she sees the package in her daughter’s hands, Anzu can’t help but feel excited. She knows that this is her chance to finally own a game that she’s wanted for years.

Anzu loves video games, chocolate, and her pet cat Momohiki. She plans to spend her weekend playing her new video game, Romantic Thriller. During the opening scene, Anzu realizes the game isn’t what she purchased. Suddenly, a mysterious wizard-like creature pops out of the TV and congratulates Anzu for being this game’s first test subject. ..

Riri, the wish-granting wizard, helps people with their love lives by revealing himself as the Riri character in an Otome game. Anzu tells Riri her last two male crushes’ names and he scolds her for not developing any feelings for them. However, he promises to grant her a life where she can experience all the different outcomes of an Otome game with a real man. This makes Anzu more interested in finding love. ..

Anzu notices Momohiki is missing, and Riri tells her to focus on her romantic mission, so he’s confiscated her cat, video games, and chocolate. Anzu thinks Riri’s bluffing and checks her belongings. Unfortunately, Riri was telling the truth. Riri says until Anzu develops a thrilling romance like those found in his games, she’ll never have access to her favorite items. ..

Riri, a mysterious figure who rubs anzu’s face in the belief that they will solve Japan’s population crisis, reveals that they are testing Anzu to see if they can solve Japan’s dwindling population crisis. However, Riri promises to help Anzu find love so he can solve Japan’s problem and claim a wealth check. Riri vanishes immediately afterwards. Anzu rushes to the living room to ask her mother where Momohiki is.

Anzu is upset when her parents tell her that they’re going to be gone for a few years and she’ll have to live by herself. Riri reveals that he was responsible for all of Anzu’s life changes, including moving away from home.

Anzu is frustrated because all the shops in town have closed or no longer supply chocolate that would help her calm herself. Enraged, Anzu vows she’ll never fall in love with any Ikemen (good-looking man) she encounters. She hopes her effort causes Riri to give up and leave her alone. When departing a store, Anzu accidentally breaks a man’s phone.

Anzu is one of the Ikemen. She’s startled when she makes eye contact with him and he reveals he’s an illusionist. The next day, Anzu goes to school with Riri accompanying her. Riri reveals that no one can see him besides Anzu and that he’s created an illusion spell so that Anzu can talk to him without looking crazy. Riri knocks Anzu to the ground, and he vanishes. ..

The Ikemen from the previous encounters bump into Anzu. She realizes Riri knocked her to the ground to set up a romantic scene between her and the Ikemen. One of the Ikemen’s friends arrives, and we learn that the male Ikemen’s name is Tsukasa. Tsukasa doesn’t bat Anzu any attention and leaves. Tsukasa gets approached by a girl who wants to hand him a letter, but he rejects her.

Anzu is surprised that she’s a jerk despite being a nice-looking person. She hears Tsukasa’s mean-spirited replies about the situation, and she doesn’t know how Riri plans to hook her up with someone like him. At lunch, Anzu chats with her friend about Tsukasa. While other girls bombard Tsukasa with questions, Anzu tries her hardest to ignore their conversation to avoid getting attached to him.

Anzu’s bored out of her mind and runs into a cockroach minutes later. She doesn’t know how to get rid of it but recalls the time her mother used spray to murder them. Unfortunately, Anzu’s ran out of spray. When the roach leaps at her, she rushes out of her home and into the streets screaming. It starts raining, and Anzu decides to hide under a bear-looking playground attraction.

The episode concludes with Tsukasa bumping into Anzu at the park.

The Episode Review

This episode was a thrilling start. With its energetic protagonist, hilarious dialogue, and wacky visuals, it’s shaping to be a fun time. The premise will be refreshing to some as Anzu’s character doesn’t follow the same trend of seeking romance. Anzu’s determination to avoid falling for any Ikemen will keep people invested. ..

Riri’s character is a delight. It was humorous seeing him scold Anzu for her shut-in lifestyle. While his actions toward her were somewhat harsh, his desire to help Anzu interact with others and the world around her feels slightly genuine. It’ll be exciting to see what other wicked ideas this little wizard has in store for Anzu.

Anzu is a relatable character who is always looking for ways to have fun. She loves playing video games and eating snacks, which makes her seem like a refreshing change from the other characters on the show. Her exaggerated facial expressions and reactions make her seem like someone you could easily identify with, which makes her even more relatable.

Anzu can come across as being too lively at times, which may not be appealing to some viewers. This episode introduced our protagonist and the situation she needs to contend with during this season, so it was a neat way to do so. Let’s hope the next episodes deliver great humor and fun shenanigans.