As for Cal, he learned he has cancer and is encouraged to go out and live his life. So he does just that and goes on a date with Violet, one of the women they saved back with Adrian. The date goes okay, where Cal reveals his true identity to her later on. In response, Violet admits she helped Angelina in the past by giving her baby supplies. After the pair share a kiss, they seemingly hint at another date in the future. ..

Ben follows a lead of his own and heads off to a nursing home where he manages to hoodwink the overworked receptionist into allowing him to look around freely. While she’s swamped with calls, Ben checks out a room where all the detained 828 passengers are being cared for. Saanvi shows up not long after and realizes the Major went to extreme lengths to figure out to connect them to this frequency we’ve been hearing about. The patient files indicate that they’re all braindead, but when a glowing light emanates out from their brain scans and Marko cries when Ben apologizes to him, it seems to show that the patients are actually conscious on some level.

Zeke shows up to therapy and decides to try and get some help for his condition. When he attempts to take Cal’s pain meds for himself earlier in the episode, he realizes he has a big problem and heads out to try and get help.

Michaela and Jared continue to investigate the murders of Angelina and Anna Ross, realizing that there is a connection between them. Sam allowed Angelina to stay in his home while Anna Ross also had ties to her. However, as the pair continue to investigate, they jump between various different leads without being able to find anything conclusive that ties everything together. ..

Back home, Ben finally gets a breakthrough with Eden, who begins calling him “Daddy”. In truth, it’s a brief respite from what’s otherwise a much more important issue at hand. Michaela uncovers another Calling which brings the blame squarely to Angelina’s mother, Noelle, who happens to be the one who killed those poor passengers linked to her daughter. And the next person on the list? Violet Wheeler. When Cal heads home and realizes, he begins crying.

The Episode Review

While I appreciate this episode isn’t a complete filler, given we learn crucial details surrounding Angelina’s mother as the one killing people, it does bring up a lot of fluff that didn’t need to be here. ..

This season of “Supernatural” has been plagued by a lack of forward momentum. There are a number of different subplots that just don’t seem to be advancing the story very much. For example, we spend a lot of time with Cal off on a date while the Zeke subplot just feels like busywork and an excuse not to use his empath ability to get the truth from people. ..

This episode feels like filler, as it could have been used to further develop other storylines. ..