First Dance

Reacher begins his journey to find the killers of his brother by journeying to see Roscoe, his wife. However, he is actually out on a mission and they are able to meet Charlie, who tells them about the murder.

Reacher checks out some of Paul’s stuff and notices cogon grass on his shoe. He also deliberates on what Charlie just told them about her girls, with emphasis on one of them wearing glasses.

Reacher has deduced that the target in prison is Paul, with those providing the instructions using the glasses as a tell-tale sign. Given Hubble’s were smashed and Reacher took that man’s sunglasses from the other cell, it appears they went after the wrong man.

The investigation into the death of Joe and the killer continues. Reacher is out to the crime scene and retracing Joe’s steps. It seems that the shooter wanted to be close, and it seems they may well have been a skilled marksman as well, given the kill-shot in the dark. Given Joe worked at Homeland Security, could this be a deciding factor and a reason for the death? We’ll have to wait and see.

The police chief was killed early this morning when he was shot in the head. The crime scene is gruesome, with the victim nailed to a wall.

Hubble was warned last episode that he would lose his balls if he didn’t stop investigating the police department. It seems that this may be the case as Morrison’s balls have apparently disappeared and could well be in his stomach. It is possible that the police are dirty and especially if the Police Chief was crooked, which would make him complicit in the murders. ..

With a new chief in Teale calling an emergency meeting, Reacher urges the police not to call this in and get the FBI involved. They need to give some semblance of control for those running the shop and believing the ringleaders are still in control seems to be the best way to do that.

Following the death of Congressman Morrison, Reacher deduces that Hubble is probably deceased too. Given he rang Charlie late that night to tell her he has going to sort out this “banking mess”, it’s safe to assume he’s probably been killed.

The town meeting quickly becomes heated as Teale decides to appoint himself Chief of Police and accusations are thrown around. Mr Kliner stands up and vouches for Reacher, claiming he’s innocent and has a rock-solid alibi.

With Teale sending Finlay off to “chase his own tail”, claiming Morrison’s death is not connected, it seems he’s one of the big dirty players here. Finlay starts to come around to Reacher’s way of thinking after this, suggesting he get a phone and ring the Atlanta Field Office himself, speaking to his contact Picard.

This is a story about a secret case that is being worked in secret by the police and the detectives. The main character, Reacher, shows up at Charlie’s place while she and the girls are packing their things and they take him into witness protection. Picard takes them into witness protection, allowing him, Finlay and Roscoe to work the case properly.

Reacher intends to head off and find Spivey, believing he’s the missing key to all of this. However, he’s blindsided by several assassins who happen to get there first. Although Reacher manages to fend them off, he does end up with a pretty nasty cut above his eyebrow, partly thanks to a stiff headbutt. He also has a nasty cut across his back too. Roscoe suggests he get stitches but of course, he sticks with glue instead.

Roscoe and Reacher head to the neighbouring town to have a few drinks. After dancing a little, the pair hitch up at a motel together, thanks to the road being flooded from the rain that’s started to lash down.

The pair of detectives investigate the break-in and soon realize that someone they know is involved. They soon find out that the person responsible is their friend, Roscoe. The detectives work together to catch the thief and protect Roscoe from any harm.

When Reacher sees the gun, he turns to Roscoe and says, “I’m going to need a gun.” ..

The Episode Review

The murders continue to baffle investigators. With the ringleaders behind all of this dead-set on fulfilling their promises to their victims, it seems as though we may be looking at some pretty nasty people who are responsible for these deaths. But what could be the motive behind this? ..

It seems that Mr Kliner is one of the more suspicious parties right now, with Teale potentially his puppet but we’ll have to wait and see if that holds any weight. As someone who hasn’t read this book, it’ll be interesting to see who the real killer(s) are behind this as those not familiar with the book play detective alongside our characters!

This second episode of the series keeps up the investigative work with some nice details shared between Reacher and Roscoe during some of the quiet moments near the end. The rest of this series promises to be just as exciting though and it’ll be interesting to see what’s in store for us next. ..