The scene then switches to the show’s current timeline and Elizabeth is seen undergoing a medical examination. Although she is asked to spend fewer hours standing, Elizabeth is more anxious concerning her weight. Prince Charles is ecstatic that he is receiving positive press at the moment, and they suggest that he take Princess Diana on “a second honeymoon” to demonstrate the strength of their union to the public.

The royal family of England, headed by Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip, departed on a cruise ship for a vacation in the Mediterranean Sea. Upon reaching Italy, they were greeted by a jubilant crowd who wanted to catch a glimpse of their beloved royals. The royals waved and smiled at the people as they went about their day-to-day activities. Diana preferred to shop while Charles enjoyed touring historical sites with his children. It was clear that the couple was not enjoying each other’s company. ..

The Royal Family is concerned that The Sunday Times might publish an article critical of the Queen. A print of the newspaper almost made it to Princess Anne, but it was promptly taken away. The argument (poll) in the newspaper is that the Queen should hand over the crown to Prince Charles. Charles gets to read it afterward and gets hopeful; he orders his staff member to schedule a meeting with John Major who was the prime minister at the time. ..

Diana’s second honeymoon is cut short after she finds out about a “diary conflict” with her husband Charles. Diana gets upset and fears that it is her family’s vacation. Charles confronts her, but he’s more focused on his work. Diana’s sons, who are the one bright spot in her marriage, seem to provide her solace.

When Charles meets with Prime Minister John Major, he praises him and then suggests that his ideas and expertise are wasted while discussing the poll and the comparison of Queen Elizabeth’s reign with “Queen Victoria Syndrome” in the issue of the Sunday Times. John says that poll results “come and go”. Furthermore, Charles asks John to think about whether or not The Crown is in good hands.

Elizabeth questions a staff about why everyone is treating her strangely. The news from The Sunday Times is finally revealed to the Queen. As Elizabeth starts reading the poll’s content, she exhibits a sudden lack of confidence as she glances over the words “irrelevant” as well as “Queen Victoria Syndrome.” The incident implies that the nation is worn out by Queen Elizabeth II’s prolonged reign because the phrase “Queen Victoria Syndrome” indicates the public growing weary of an aged ruler.

The Prime Minister confirms that the repairs will be completed and they discuss the yacht’s history. Elizabeth tells him that she was the one who repaired it when it was broken down, and that she has a special bond with it because it is her only possession. The Prime Minister thanks her for her help and they end their meeting.

The Royal Family, various guests, as well as the Prime Minister attend the Ghillies Ball held at Balmoral Castle. John Major is lectured by Philip for his position on the Royal Yacht. The prime minister however clearly has his conversation with Charles running through his mind. While he is discussing the yacht with John, Charles mentions how expensive it will be to repair it and refers to it as being extremely old.

Diana tells John Major about her union with Charles and how if their marriage fails, the system as a whole could collapse. The senior members of the Royal Family are described as “deluded” and “out of touch” by John Major to his wife later on, and he questions whether an uprising will occur under his administration.

As the episode ends, Elizabeth appears to look at a portrait of the late Queen Victoria with sadness.

In this episode, the subjects are strongly addressed. Charles is secretly plotting to dethrone the Queen by promising to modernize the kingdom, Charles and Diana’s troubled marriage and the fall of the monarchy are some of the key themes addressed. ..

The Crown’s latest episode left viewers with a lot to think about. The yacht scene is a prime example of how the show uses symbolism to communicate important messages. The yacht represents power, discovery, and disaster. It’s interesting to note that the show also pays homage to the British Monarchy’s history of discovery by using creative symbolism in this particular scene. ..

Queen Elizabeth is on her yacht, the Queen Elizabeth II, cruising north. Philip tells her about the Yacht and how it is falling apart. He informs her that while they “sentimentally” wish to stick with “her”, they must also be realistic and weigh her “costs” to them because she is clearly past her best.

He claims that this is the first time he has considered the unthinkable, that is “replacement”. We can’t help but draw a parallel to Diana and her relationship with Charles here, especially considering the exaggeration of the importance of the subject. ..

The yacht, “She”, is being referred to as “she” by Philip. This is likely because Diana and Charles’ relationship is falling apart. The Royal Family are conservatives in action, so they want them to continue their marriage, yet knowing how destructive their relationship is, being in the marriage might – and eventually did – cost the Royal Family a lot. In addition, Philip discusses replacing Diana with Camilla once Charles and Diana divorce.

The Sunday Times is being removed from the Queen’s table because it is not meeting the standards of the Crown. The staff race to remove it is a bit of lighthearted humor in light of this fact.

Although Dominic West has nailed Charles’ expressions, sadly, he hasn’t put much effort into the accent aspect. With her depiction of the emotional sequences, her side head tilt, and her grace, Elizabeth Debicki shines in her portrayal of Diana.