The Land

A new mystery has arisen in Outer Range. Autumn stands over the hole, pushing Royal in, and grabs his severed shirt from the fence. She hurries off, but the Tillerson brothers, as it turns out, head over to Royal’s house. They’re told to leave when Cecilia answers the door. So where is Royal?

Royal wakes up in the middle of a field. The rain pours down as his horse arrives and helps bring him back. Shirtless, he eventually stumbles through the front door where the boys and Cecilia are sitting waiting for him. Royal matter-of-factly confirms that Trevor’s body is gone but they’re worried about Autumn.

Deputy Sheriff Joy heads to the Tillerson ranch in the morning to investigate a gunshot wound on Royal’s leg. She finds out that the shot came from an unknown source and that Royal is likely going to require surgery.

Luke wants the police to find Trevor, who is wanted for questioning in connection with a crime. Joy promises to keep an eye on Trevor and the tensions between the townspeople are clear. The vote for the new sheriff is in 28 days and there is a lot of pressure on everyone to get things done. Forcing a smile, Joy takes Trevor’s belt buckle, which was found outside the bar, and decides to look into it. This is especially important because she knows that the Tillerson boys could help her win the vote. ..

The Tillerson family has been using the land for 3 generations, but according to the Abbott lawyer, Tom, this is a good old fashioned “topographical f*ckjob.” The lines were drawn up a long time ago and they’re using these old land maps to take a swipe at the land the Abbott family have had.

Royal eventually decides to try and settle things up with the Tillerson family head-on, and heads over to their place. He finds a business card from the Rare Earth Society on the table, which appears to be who’s helping them. ..

Wayne is in bed and hooked up to monitors. Royal heads in, he tries to negotiate the land but Wayne is an opportunist. He smiles wryly, pointing out that he’s hungry for more. He wants Royal’s pasture for the sake of it. With the State of Wyoming on his side, it doesn’t look good for Royal.

As the days grow shorter, Autumn begins to feel like she’s meant to be here. She tells Amy that she feels like she’s been “pointed out” and points out some drawings of a strange sideways A that she has drawn in the past. Autumn is taken aback when she learns that Royal is up and walking about, but more concerned by her drawing the same markings as that carved on a rock cropping near where she’s camped. The symbol looks a little like an A. A for Abbott perhaps?

While she’s out and about, Royal makes it to Autumn’s tent, snatches up his bloodied shirt, and throws it in the hole. Royal is rattled, especially when he heads back home later that afternoon. He rambles about a great void in their life and decides they should move all the cattle away from the western pasture. He also warns the family against speaking to Autumn (something Amy admits she’s already done when she heads home.) ..

Autumn shows up at the barn that night. Royal demands she leave but Autumn refuses, knowing she has a fair few secrets she’s using as leverage against him. Both throw a number of questions at one another, with Autumn admitting that she believes in fate. She used to be in a cult and admits she couldn’t remember anything before the age of 9 before she arrived at the ranch.

Cecilia approached Royal and confirmed that this isn’t their land anymore. Royal heard a timer flashing. With the sky bleached purple-blue, Cecilia approached and confirmed that this isn’t their land anymore.

Cecilia reveals that Royal has been dead for two years. “Run.” She whispers as Luke Tillerson steps forward and shoots him in the leg. This explains the gunshot wound he sports in the present, as everything is left on a bizarre note leading into next week’s follow-up. ..

The Episode Review

The Outer Range is a strange but gripping show that feels like a blend of Arrival, Signs (before seeing the water-fearing alien of course) and 1883. The moody atmosphere and ideas this show pedals feels like a mix of these three films. This mix works surprisingly well, making Outer Range one of the most unique shows on television this year.

There are a lot of questions about where Royal is, but it’s possible he’s jumped into the future and is seeing things that will happen in the next two years. We saw that Royal put his hand inside this hole and saw flashes of what happened later that morning, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility that he’s gone to the future and seen Tillerson and his boys take over the ranch. ..

In the latest episode of “Royal Pains,” we saw a lot of Rhett and Perry, but not as much as we would have liked. We also learned more about Wayne, who seems to be a good compromise for both sides. ..

This show is full of mystery and intrigue, and it’s sure to keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. What’s going on? We’ll just have to wait and see!