Homer confides that he saw the clown. Marge and others reveal that the clown haunted them too. The group decides to dig out the real identity of the mysterious Krusto the Clown. In the library, Homer writes a lovely poem for Marge but doesn’t give it to her. The friends find out that Krusto used to host several weird shows but was funny in none of them. Marge further tells that Krusto only comes once in 27 years, and when he does he eats children. ..

After a clown emerges from a TV screen and tries to eat Comic Book Guy, Marge and Homer save him and force the clown to disappear. Comic Book Guy then steals Homer’s letter to Marge. The kids have another run-in with Krusto, but they fight him off. The group forms a pact that if Krusto shows up after 27 years, they will reunite and defeat him no matter what. ..

Marge kisses Comic Book Guy after finding the poem he stole. She makes it clear she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. Homer is obviously heartbroken. Marge and Comic Book Guy share a passionate kiss after finding the poem he stole. It’s clear that they both want to spend the rest of their lives together. ..

Homer and the other members of the pact set out to find Krusto the Clown. They find him in a small town in Oregon, and they battle him. However, Krusto is very strong and he easily defeats them all. Marge finally arrives at the scene, and she kills Krusto the Clown.

Comic Book Guy comes to Marge with his kids, Lisa and Bart. The clown captures the kids and sends a threatening message to all. The group led by Homer goes after the clown. Angered by Comic Book Guy, the clown tells Marge that it wasn’t him who wrote the poem. Marge gets to know about Homer’s secret feelings for her.

As Marge goes to free the clown’s dead audience, Comic Book Guy hurls himself into the clown’s mouth to save her. The audience is freed, and Krusto is killed. A little while later, Comic Book Guy dies of both injuries and guilt. ..

After the death of their clown, two aliens in a spaceship try to select their next attack on the human race. They discuss different options, but ultimately decide that they will send a human into space in order to see if the humans have any weaknesses. ..

The Episode Review

The episode is all drama, no fun. Moreover, at one point, it’s seems to be some kind of kid’s action animation show. Though engaging, the episode fails to be anything other than a one-time habitual watch. Yes, you hardly have any reason to watch the this one unless it’s your habit to check out the latest episode.