When she saw him for the first time, she couldn’t believe her eyes. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, and he had the most beautiful smile. She felt drawn to him from the moment she met him, and she knew that they would be together forever.

Maggie and Amara are having dinner when Nathan walks in. Maggie seems to be having a hard time with the fact that Birdy is in a relationship. She chooses to stay in her room and fill out some job applications. Nathan walks in and asks her to join them in the living room for dinner. Maggie declines and Amara hints that Nathan has been spending a lot of time in their home.

Maggie takes this chance to vent about how Birdy has been spending less time with them. Amara agrees and points out that Nathan is not vibing well with the other girls in the house. Maggie shows Amara her notepad where she has been keeping track of the things he keeps using. Amara retorts that although she doesn’t understand why they have been spending too much time together, ultimately it is none of their business.

Maggie joins the group in the living room where they are discussing the three main reasons to pursue a career. Birdy tells Nathan that Maggie has a blog and asks him to check it out, which he promises to do. ..

James is trying to pawn off a sofa to them and Nell is adamant they don’t want it. Their landlord is also a famous presenter of a show. He tells them that if they don’t want the sofa, he can give it to someone else who will. Amara and Nell are scared but decide to take the sofa.

Birdy has an interview and Maggie prepares her a sandwich and the girls wish her the best. With everyone gone to work, Maggie uses the time to fill out more job applications. She gets a text from Street asking her where she is, she immediately gets ready and goes to meet him.

Street says he hadn’t noticed and that it wasn’t an issue to him as they stayed in Nathan’s room. Street gave Maggie a mixtape because he wanted her to listen to “real music.” This brought Maggie to ask him why he kept sleeping with her if he thought she was dumb. He answered that he fancied her, even though she had a personality that annoyed him. ..

Birdy’s interview didn’t go well and she is feeling down. Maggie offers to make her dinner and take her to the pub. Birdy turns down the offer and informs her that Nathan has plans to cook her dinner. Maggie is caught off guard by this and simply says okay. Birdy then invites her and Street to a double date with them. Maggie agrees and offers to help. ..

Maggie and Birdy go on a dinner date where Maggie discovers that Birdy showed her interview presentation to Nathan but not to her. Maggie suggests they open the “vault”, which is code for them to share their darkest thoughts. They are not allowed to mention what is in the “vault” until it is opened again. ..

Birdy doesn’t want to open the “vault” and explains it should only be opened among friends who have been together for a long time. Nathan disagrees and Maggie officially opens the “vault” and asks Nathan to go first. He confesses that he hates all art, while Birdy turns down her chance. Maggie takes her chance and reveals the thoughts Birdy had shared earlier in the “vault” and Birdy refuses to own up to them. ..

Street’s behaviour after dinner reminds Maggie of the time they were in high school and her crush embarrassed her at a party in front of everyone.

Maggie and Birdy share their thoughts on how they felt the dinner went. Maggie wants them to leave and meet up with Nell and Amara but she says she can’t make it; she has plans with Nathan. Maggie leaves and heads off to meet the other girls. Their landlord sent someone to check the damp wall in their house, which turns out to be an executive producer for a show the girls were watching. She asks Maggie to stop by her office for a chat.

Maggie is excited to have a job and tells her friends about it. She finds Nell and Amara, who show her a present that arrived for Birdy from Nathan. It is a huge teddy bear and on it is a card that says, “Birdy, my best friend.”

Maggie has a flashback of her crying after her high school crush embarrassed her. Birdy comforting her. Birdy arrives and is excited to see the one-month anniversary present from Nathan. Maggie shares her good news and they decide to go out and celebrate.

The Episode Review

In this episode, we see more of the dynamic between Maggie and Birdy. The flashbacks help us understand the reason they became co-dependent on each other. Maggie is not happy about Nathan and Birdy spending too much time together. She seems threatened that Nathan will take her place in Birdy’s life. On the other hand, Birdy is becoming more liberated and the relationship is giving her confidence.

Maggie’s relationship with Street has some glaring issues that she refuses to acknowledge. Street is too comfortable in the way he talks to her and it is demeaning. Maggie’s choice to continue seeing him at this point is unclear.