Lex Luthor

In the first episode of Titans Season 4, Dick Grayson and Kory Allen discuss how lucky they were to make it out of season 3 alive. The latter feels free and like a weight has been lifted from her. They’ve saved Gotham and now they have the toughest test of their lives: hitting a high score in bowling. ..

Bruce phones and has a meeting with his father, Clark Kent, to discuss a visit to Metropolis. They’re en-route to S.T.A.R. Labs, but Bruce promises some “surprises” along the way. As he does, Lex Luthor begins to stir in the shadows, intent on becoming far more powerful than Superman and dabbling in some pretty sketchy cultist dealings.

The Titans, led by Conner Kent, arrive in Metropolis and head to S.T.A.R. Labs, where they meet Bernard Fitzmartin, the guy spearheading things and in charge of Special Projects. They’ve been expecting the Gang of Eight, but Dick Grayson and Conner Kent are forced to hang back while the others are led deeper into the lab. Bernard has bad news – Superman isn’t there. He has left a note though, apologizing and wanting to meet Dick Grayson in the near future. ..

Bernard has been using S.T.A.R. Labs to test Superman’s powers, and with AR goggles on, they see Superman moving through space in real-time, heading to Q4 where he intends to try and save an entire galaxy from devastation.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Titans help out, with Tim offered some training while the gang’s transport is given an upgrade, including a brand new car courtesy of Bruce Wayne. Suddenly though, all the electrics go haywire. It’s Lex Luthor. He wants to see Conner and the others at Lexcorp. Dick wans that Lex Luthor is dangerous and shouldn’t be trusted; he’s the only person Bruce Wayne was afraid of. ..

Kory shows up to Lex Luthor’s compound unannounced and effortlessly dispatches all of his guards without breaking a sweat. She then has a face-to-face conversation with Lex Luthor, during which the latter agrees to show her around and explain his intentions for Conner. Kory uses a mini drone to hack into the laptop nearby, distracting Lex while she listens in. ..

Lex tells Kory that he wants Conner to stay around, offering his guidance and power to take over Lexcorp. Kory sees through this facade and believes that Lex is just trying to control Conner and use him as a personal weapon. Interestingly, Lex looks through his telescope and notices Dick Grayson and knows exactly what’s going on. “Remember Richard, this is me, being gentle,” He says, as the whole operation comes tumbling down. He knows Dick is listening from afar. ..

Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and a whole bunch of ninjas show up and attack. Tim hangs back and tries to find an opening to jump in and eventually does, helping to defeat their foes. ..

Dick relays to Conner exactly what Lex has offered, which includes six months to work with him. Dick implores him not to go for this, but Connor decides to jump in, wanting answers around his true purpose and determined to find his parents even if it’s a big trap or he fails completely, he’s going to do this. “If you leave, it’s going to hurt us.” Dick says. “I’m sorry. I have to do this,” Conner replies.

When Conner arrives at Lexcorp, he learns that Luthor is in a difficult situation and is actually dying. He’s tried to find a cure but as yet, it has been unsuccessful. Luthor goes on to tell Conner to be careful, pointing out that if he makes a mistake, people could well look at him differently. Lex points out he’s the only one who doesn’t judge him for who he is. Lex created Superboy because he wanted his dream of becoming Superman to become reality. He had a son and wanted him to succeed where he could not, to be both man and superman, flirting both lines. Conner makes his choice and decides to stick with Lex. ..

Lex Luthor has been working on a project that needs help with. A book on the table includes a number of strange, ancient markings and a familiar cultist mask that resembles a bird. Suddenly, Lex Luthor begins bleeding from the mouth, vomiting all over the floor. Out of his mouth comes a huge snake, which tries to bite Conner. Conner uses his powers to destroy it, while Rachel feels the effects and begins screaming too.

Lex Luthor’s death leaves a power vacuum in the Luthor organization, and Conner is immediately suspected of being behind the crime. While he holds his hands up and concedes, Mrs Bennett – the woman whom Lex fired earlier in the episode – smiles and retorts that someone always has to pay.

The Episode Review

Titans is back for a new season and this time around there’s a slightly different edge to proceedings as we look to dabble in the supernatural. That guy Sebastian also appears to be a big key, but given there isn’t a lot he does in this episode, (hence his exclusion from the recap!) we’ll have to wait and see what’s in store in the future.

Gotham’s situation has been resolved, and the focus now turns to Metropolis. The show seems to be picking up steam around these strange rituals, which are drawing attention to Gotham.

The structure this year, with two parts of six episodes, could well lead to two separate story arcs like something akin to Heroes season 4 back in the day. However, we’ll have to wait and see. For now though, Titans gets off to an okay start. ..