
Episode 2 of Tales of the Jedi introduces a new character, Dooku, alongside his Apprentice. The planet they land on is a desolate wasteland, with the only signs of life being the remnants of a village in the distance. The villagers are reluctant to talk to Dooku and his Apprentice, who are the only people on the planet. ..

The Jedi arrive in the bar, where Dooku immediately throws around his weight, wanting to find the Senator’s son. They’re there to resolve the ongoing issue, and with the Senator currently running the place into the ground, responsible for turning the place into the desolate wasteland it has become. It turns out everyone in the bar are all kidnappers for the Senator’s son, whom they intend to use to bargain for better terms for themselves.

The young senator’s son listens to the Jedi and is moved by their perspective. He has only been in the capital for a short time and doesn’t know much about the Empire, but he understands their point of view. ..

The Senator and his armed guard are forced to search for their son after a hungry loner tells them he’s being held at the hands of one of the villagers.

With a stand-off about to ensue, the idea of justice is thrown into the fold as Dooku switches allegiance and joins the free people of this village to fight back against the Senator. A flurry of gun blasts take down some of the villagers and injure others. The Senator vows to destroy the town and make an example of them all… until Dooku force-chokes the man and almost kills him.

Senator and son leave to improve the villagers’ way of life.

The soldiers begin to help rebuild the village while Dooku turns to his Apprentice and thanks him for a job well done. Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi, is seen in the village. ..

The Episode Review

The episode, “Tales of the Jedi,” reinforces the idea that the Empire will inflict great suffering on these planets, as well as the idea of rich and poor. It also helps to build a strong connection between the characters and the audience.

The end reveal in this chapter is a good one, while the narrative throughout is simple but effective. Ultimately, this has been a really enjoyable read and definitely leaves the door open for the next chapter!