Hustle Harder

Adam’s credit card application is approved and he is given a 50 million credit limit.

Jamie, a banker at JP Morgan, has decided to step up and be Adam’s personal banker. Adam is a UHNWI, or an Ultra High Net Worth Individual, but Jamie feels that he can help him out and provide the best service possible. The limit on how much money Adam can borrow has even been increased to 100 million dollars. ..

But as Adam begins to unravel the true secrets of his company, he realizes that the facade is only a front. The company is actually run by shady characters with dark secrets. And if Adam doesn’t take action, they will get away with it.

At WeWork, the frat-boy culture continues to dominate the workplace. Adam is a werewolf and ignores his competitors who want to work with him now. Rebekah meanwhile, continues to neglect her child as she and Adam eventually head to the Time100 Gala that night.

Miguel warns that Masa may be having second thoughts about the company’s finances. He says that the 1.8 billion in revenue is now being stacked up against 1.9 billion in losses, and that the company may have to cut back on spending if it wants to stay afloat. Adam responds by saying that everything is starting to sour, but he’s not sure what to do about it.

Adam is forced to leave his home country, his family, and his job to go to Japan in order to help Jamie resolve a problem.

Adam has his head in the clouds, and it takes Miguel pointing out that Masa is expecting a ridiculous ROI that WeWork just cannot sustain to get through to him. So off they go, to Softbank Headquarters where Masa sits with Miguel and Adam, showing off his new robot. Hey, that looks an awful lot like Paulie’s robot from Rocky IV! ..

Masa encourages Adam to be more daring and ambitious in order to win the fight in the end. ..

Rebekah is not the only one who feels overshadowed at WeWork. Elishia has decided to try and change the company’s motto, something away from: “Elevating the world’s subconscious.” According to her, this is way too abstract.

Rebekah is worried that the soul of the company is being ripped out and she warns Adam as much to night. Because of this, Rebekah decides to rip the rug up from under Elishia, pointing out she doesn’t understand the business and forcing her out the door. However, Elishia’s words cut deeply. Drying her tears to prevent her make-up running, Rebekah decides to take the limelight instead. She shows up at the photoshoot, much to the surprise and confusion of all involved.

Adam wants to take over the coworking space in its entirety, even offering up a year’s worth of free membership. The bankers though, are understandably concerned.

The Episode Review

This episode of “The Bachelorette” was a complete waste of time. Beyond Adam’s flamboyance and jet-setting lifestyle, and Rebekah’s continued jealousy and worry about being pushed aside, there was nothing interesting or compelling happening in this episode. ..

The entire chapter is so preoccupied with its flashy visuals and jet setting, showing off how the rich live, that it’s difficult to get a sense of what’s going on. You know, like story and character development.

This show is starting to drag its heels and given that we have three more episodes of this to go – each of which clocking in at an hour or so – Wecrashed is turning into a bit of a chore. Hopefully things pick up next week.