High School

Danner begins her search for Aniq by going to the recording booth where she believes he may be hiding. She finds him there, but is quickly met with resistance from him. Danner is determined to find out what happened to him and why he’s still hiding.

Danner is called into the office and told that her career is on the line because she filed her report prematurely. She reconnects with Culp and they discuss Walt Butler, who turns out to be a much more significant figure than originally thought. ..

Walt has been at the St. Patrick’s Day party 15 years ago, and it was actually held at his house. This then sees us jump back 15 years to high school, where we see all of our characters much younger, including Xavier who shows up in his sports car. ..

Xavier is not exactly popular and adopted the ‘Xavier’ alias early on to disguise his real name, Eugene. ..

It’s here where Brett takes a fancy to Zoe while Chelsea finds herself rejected by the two Jennifers. Zoe does call them out for being mean and at the party later on, she patches things up with Zoe, toasting over shots.

Aniq fumbled over his words and nervously asked out Zoe during class, deciding to meet up at “Brett’s party”. Of course, it’s actually Walt’s but the poor guy is completely invisible and no one pays him any attention all night. ..

Mid-party, Yasper makes the decision to break things off with Xavier. He decides that pop is just a fad and it won’t last, pointing out that ska is where it’s at.

Xavier is angry and upset when he arrives at the party with a mixtape CD for Zoe. When he shows up, he pulls down his trousers and throws Aniq in the pool. This explains why Aniq thought Xavier was responsible for the prank at the afterparty.

Anyway, Brett soon jumps in and knocks down Xavier. With Aniq trying to air-dry the mix CD cover, it gives Brett the opportunity to get close to Zoe, given they’re both going to the same college the next year.

When Aniq catches up to them, he realizes how close they are and changes his mind over the mix CD, believing he’s lost his chance. Aniq dumps it in the bin and heads out back, drowning his sorrows in alcohol.

At the party, Xavier and Chelsea end up drunk together in the bedroom. Chelsea rejects him, but he lies and claims to have slept with her when he leaves the bedroom. Walt shows up too while the camera is rolling, and the narrative changes to a threesome. ..

This article explains why Chelsea has an issue with Xavier but unfortunately things take an even worse turn.

Zoe and Brett were kissing and Aniq noticed, so he got angry and smashed a car outside.

Xavier’s car was involved in a fight with Aniq, which resulted in Xavier pressing charges and Aniq losing his scholarship. ..

Aniq reveals a secret to the group that he had been keeping from them. He shows the note he found and it is actually just song lyrics and the “diarrhea” on his neck is actually written by Xavier.

As the attention turns to Danner, and what she may be hiding, Zoe actually stands up and calls herself out for having a grudge against Xavier. She didn’t at the start of the night but by the end, she definitely had a reason to kill Xavier. But what? What happened? We’ll have to wait until next week!

The Episode Review

This week’s episode of “The Flash” focused on flashbacks to high school, which helped to flesh out the past and understand how everything ties together. ..

Aniq’s mixtape has had a big impact on Brett and Zoe’s relationship, and by the end of the episode it’s clear that she’s starting to see Aniq in a different light.

Walt’s plight is the focus of this article as we see a snapshot of everyone at the party. He doesn’t actually kill Xavier, but he does have a valid reason to, given his motive. Attention he still doesn’t have, given everyone keeps ignoring him.

Aniq’s note and the writing on her neck have been tantalizing mysteries, but they also have a very simple explanation: she was writing in her own blood to communicate with someone. It’s a shame that this simple explanation is overshadowed by the mystery of her death. ..

This week’s episode of “The Good Place” features a lot of humour and there’s an palpable energy to the show that keeps it ticking over. We hope that this carries over into next week’s episode.