Have You Heard?

The masked figure, now revealed to be a human, orders a drink at a local diner. He begins acting incredibly suspicious, although no one really pays him any attention. ..

Emma reflects on her decision to not go to the police after what happened with Hans. She is conflicted about whether or not to believe the official story that Hans has a family emergency and won’t be teaching for a while.

The police have found nothing at all in connection with the disappearance of Mr. Smith. His property, including his home and basement, appear to be in order, and there is no indication of any struggle or break-in. ..

Emma heads over to visit Susan. As suspected, she confirms that she and Hans broke up that night. The memories are too painful for her though and eventually she tells Emma to leave.

Mads starts investigating Astraeus, learning that the company has numerous subsidiary companies. All of them are set up and located around previous UFO sightings and places with extraterrestrial activity. Mads believes that Astraeus want their hands on alien tech, hence the secrecy.

Mads refuses to believe that Emma has seen an alien. After all, she’s only just become part of their team and to suddenly see something strange and be wrapped up in this feels too big a coincidence. ..

Astraeus has a big area that’s closed off and it could well hold valuable intel. Emma’s boss warns her against going to work, reminding her that this is off-limits. ..

When Emma rejoins the group, she recalls seeing a silver van parked outside Hans’ place. Thanks to Frederik’s quick wit and ringing a rental place (lucky it was a rental van!), they manage to tack down its location to a seedy motel just outside town. The records they manage to pull don’t confirm much, although a man by the name of Jens Jessen may or may not be a clue here. ..

Emma ends up sleeping with Frederik while she and Marie were supposed to be together. Emma then goes on a mission to find the man she slept with, only to find out he’s not the one they’re looking for. Emma is then worried when the truck she was in drives off. ..

Meanwhile, Elvis and Marie head back into Hans’ place and begin looking around. Upon closer inspection, Marie finds traces of fungus hidden next to a dresser.

Elvis Presley has been keeping a secret from his sister, Noreen, for years. His father is not doing well and Elvis is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He has been keeping this a secret from her because he doesn’t want her to worry.

Marie takes a flower from the basement to Mads. There are no scientific records of it in the system, meaning that the flora could well be extraterrestrial by nature. It’s a big breakthrough and the gang all begin drinking and celebrating their win. Emma though, doesn’t share in the celebrations.

When she returns to the group, she reveals to Marie that she’s had enough of this life and just wants to be normal. So, with that, she rides home alone.

Emma is alone in an abandoned warehouse and she’s soon kidnapped by a strange man who killed Hans. In an interview, Emma tells him about the organism and how these parasites are hungry, wanting to kill anything that gets in their way – including Emma.

As he looks set to walk away, Emma decides to trust him and checks notes asks him to give her a life home. En-route, we find out his name is Lukas. The fact that she’s so calm over this man she saw murder her teacher is utterly bizarre.

As we move through the night, strange things are happening. Emma notices a strange orb in her neck and pulls it free. The orb seems to have something attached to it- a string. We follow the string and it leads us to a group of people who are kneeling around Hans’ body, chanting. They seem to be using some sort of power to control the orb.

The Episode Review

Emma’s motivations here feel so shallow and contrived. I’m not quite sure why we’ve seen her hook up with Frederik and also Marie, but it just gives the impression of her being a pretty deceitful friend. I’m sure that’s not the intention but it’s the reaction I get from watching this.

In the end, Emma seems to be flip-flopping between these different states of being all-in on the operation and then completely nonchalant to the whole thing. The ending with her captive, Lukas, just feels so weird and out of character too. This is a man she saw kill her teacher. She should be frightened or worried but instead she… asks him for a lift home?

The series has a strange way of exposition-taking it in turns with the kids to sit and have a one to one about their familial issues. But then never building on that or including it later in the chapter. The problem with this approach is that it feels orchestrated and several scenes later, it’s forgotten about.

This teen drama has been falling short in comparison to other dramas of its style. ..