
Tommy Shelby is urged to hand over his daughter, who undergoes some tests to find out what’s wrong. Ruby is rushed into hospital with a serious illness.

Ruby has a lung infection that is likely caused by tuberculosis. The doctors have detected the infection early and are currently doing tests to try and cure Ruby. However, in order for her to recover, she will have to become more ill first. ..

Tommy is desperate to find a way to save Ruby from the disease. He agrees to make a deal with Esme, in order to buy her life.

Tommy rides out to meet the Lee family, meeting with Esme. Apparently, she knew he would be coming, having heard rumblings of him asking about. She got curious, and in private Tommy admits that Polly was the one who told her to find Esme. At least in his dreams anyway. Esme is shocked to hear she’s passed, eventually admitting that there are a lot of people who hate Tommy, with lots of “grieving and hate in the shadows.” ..

Tommy puts his trust in Esme, who leads him off to a “wild place.”

Tommy has left for work, and Ada is tasked with stepping up to the plate for the next five days. This is a tough task because the first course of action comes from a game of verbal chess with Diana, Oswald’s wife. The pair trade scathing assessments of one another, with Ada more than holding her own.

Tommy had invited Oswald and Jack to a party at his place, but when Oswald arrives, he’s not exactly thrilled. He does perk up when he learns that Tommy has arranged an invitation for him and Jack.

Ada eventually reveals where Tommy is, going on to admit she’s done some research on Nelson’s past too, including how his siblings actually succumbed to Consumption in the past. With the conversation swinging in her favour, at least for now, the invitation is given which happens to be an extension to Tommy’s place for a more formal meeting. ..

Ada arrives at Shelby Limited next, immediately slinging her weight around, making some changes. Arthur has locked himself in the safe while Ada has her reservations about Isiah, deciding to test him. That comes from sending him out to Liverpool to deal with a particularly bad leak. The opium in storage at the Salthouse docks has been stolen, organized to be taken by the bucketful by a union convenor by the name of Haydn Stagg.

Ada has instructions on where to find him – and when. Isaih is to take Arthur with him, who’s only 10 days sober. Wandering into a warehouse full of opium isn’t exactly going to be easy for Arthur. But then Arthur’s name is well-known in these parts and reputation alone should be enough to shake things up. Isaih? Well, he’s been making private bets on the side and keeps a calm head when Ada challenges him about it.

Isaih invites his cousins from Alum Rock along for the ride, promising to look after Arthur as they show up to rustle some feathers. Arthur is still unhinged but he remains focused on finding Haydn Stagg. And find him they do.

Arthur is compromised by Haydn who brings up his addiction and how word of this has traveled up the canal. Haydn has been where Arthur is and offers him some words of wisdom, “walk like it’s a flat plain rather than a mountain.” Unfortunately Arthur takes his words to heart and decides not to physically beat the man after all. He orders a frustrated Isaih to leave with him without any punishment for his actions. Given how ruthless we know the Peaky Blinders can be, this is surely going to have some serious repercussions.

Tommy is on a wild goose chase to find his mother’s curse. He goes to a graveyard and meets a young girl who died when she was 7. Esme believes it’s her mother, Evadne Barwell, who has cursed him. The reason? Apparently, to “know how it feels.”

Tommy flies into a rage, desperate to get Ruby’s life for himself. He offers $10,000 to Esme in order to do so, but she wants gold. Tommy knows exactly where to find it.

Tommy shows up at the hospital to see Lizzie. She’s there waiting for him, furious that Tommy wasn’t there when Ruby died. Ruby died at 5:17pm, which means Tommy was there and didn’t help her. ..

The Episode Review

Tommy Shelby snaps after a long chase sequence in which he unsuccessfully tries to find his family. This moment represents Tommy’s neglect of his family and shows the consequences of his actions. ..

The Shelby family starts to slip, ever so slightly, every single episode. Arthur is struggling but there’s no Polly to straighten him out.

The Shelby family is in trouble. John and Polly were killed, and Ada is the only sane person left. The empire is coming down, and Thomas Shelby can’t seem to save it. Will there be a happy ending? Or will everything fall to dust?