
Episode 4 of Manifest Season 4 starts with Michaela out running, stopping by the cemetery to pay her respects. However, a lightning bird shows her a Calling that Michaela is desperate to share…but Ben doesn’t want to talk. He scrambles for his keys and heads out to meet Eagan, wanting to hear what he has to say. Michaela immediately rushes to her laptop and searches through Google images. Honestly, it’s a real shame that no picture of Zapdos the Pokemon shows up! Michaela stops by the cemetery on her way run errands and sees a lightening bird flying overhead. The bird directs Michaela towards an important Calling she’s been ignoring - one that she knows Ben would want to hear about. Michaela quickly goes online and looks for any pictures of Zapdos the Pokemon, but unfortunately none are available. ..

Drea shows up to find a guy called Kyle, who happens to have missed all his appointments with the 828 Registry. She has a warrant for his arrest, but she receives a pretty frosty reception when she shows up. Drea phones Michaela to riff but as she does, the screen inexplicably scrolls down to a crest, giving more clarity to the Calling. It turns out it’s to do with Shinnecock Nation Land, which is precisely where Drea is.

Ben shows up at the prison where Eagan is being held, and the two men negotiate a deal in which Eagan will be released in exchange for telling Ben where Eden is. Ben doesn’t believe him at first, but when Eagan brings up a Calling he had that included drawings of spiders, Ben realizes that he’s telling the truth. Now Ben has to decide what to do next. ..

He heads off to see Vance, who’s not exactly happy at how Ben has been blanking them all for the past couple of years. He brings up that Eagan knows where Eden is, and wants him to try and sort out an immunity deal too. Vance reminds him that he’s overstretching and they don’t have anywhere near the resources they once did. Still, Vance agrees to do what he can.

Michaela shows up at Shinnecock and notices the lightning bird again. This time, it hovers over a house which belongs to Kyle. Kyle’s mum is dying in the hospital, and he’s unable to go visit her. If he leaves this sovereign land, he’ll be immediately going to be arrested by the Registry. Michaela helps him out though, taking him to the hospital and using Zeke’s empath powers to reassure his mother that Kyle loves her and in exchange retorts that she’s forgiven him for not visiting sooner. ..

Cal and Olive are trying to figure out what the star card in the attic is connected to. They have found clues that seem to be related to the card, but Olive needs to remember what it is.

The team of reporters and detectives investigating the death of a woman who was found with a compass in her hand believe that the object may be connected to a mystery that has been baffling them for months. The inscription on the compass reads “Divine Consciousness.” The team is certain that the light they experienced on the plane was just that – divine consciousness.

Eagan tells Vance that he doesn’t know what he did, but he knows what he wants. He wants to know why his family was killed and what could have prevented it. Vance asks Eagan if he’s willing to answer these questions, and Eagan says yes.

Ben finds himself conflicted after learning about the location of Angelina and Eden from Eagan. He allows Eagan to sign and hand over the location, which leads to him being held captive. The hideout that Adrian and his group are held up at is also located at this same spot. Naturally, Ben is knocked out from behind and taken captive.

The Episode Review

As we approach the halfway point of this first part, the writers are doing a pretty good job trying to tie all the clues we’ve had along the way together into a cohesive narrative. It’s certainly far from perfect and the interpersonal drama continues to slide into soap opera territory. You can also tell that there are parts of this written specifically for cable; musical stings for mini cliffhangers intended for ad breaks. It’s a mini stylistic tick but worth pointing out as it is a little annoying.

Meanwhile, the gang continues to stumble into trouble and it seems as if this Divine Consciousness clue that everyone is starting to uncover is leading them toward disaster. ..