Ben appears at the station, angry and flustered. He’s quickly reminded that if Cal is as innocent as he says he is, he has nothing to worry about. ..

While Drea manages to get rid of Cal’s fingerprints from file, Ben is downcast as he realizes they can’t get do anything about his DNA. Given Cal is going under the alias of Gabriel, all of this will be for nothing if they figure out who he really is.

Just like that, Ben receives another Calling thanks to a phone ringtone he recognizes, which leads him to a passenger . His name is Radd. This Calling reveals Dr. Bates’ phone number through some piano playing, which in turn leads him to realize Cal’s cancer has returned. Just before the DNA sample is taken, Ben uses both Radd and Bates to help get Cal out. The pair hug and Ben reminds his son he can always talk to him, apologizing for the unpleasant words they exchanged the night before.

While this is happening, Jared, Michaela and Zeke are working together to try and find proof that Noelle is the killer. All they have right now is last episode’s Calling, so there isn’t a lot of evidence! Still, they realize that Adrian is connected to all of this and race off to track him down. However, Noelle has got him first and kidnapped him. ..

Eagan, Michaela, Zeke and I show up to find Adrian calling for help. Eagan manages to convince Michaela that he needs protection. I mean, after all he is also a passenger and could be next. Unbeknownst to them all though, Noelle also has Angelina held captive, who realizes she’s being kept prisoner too.

Angelina is caught with Adrian, the man she thought was her friend. She realizes that he is the killer and deduces that he is working to get rid of all the sinners. Not only that but she intends to make Angelina watch as Adrian is killed in front of her.

Eagan tags along to the Stones’ household where Saanvi rings, confirming she’s making good progress with her sapphire research and has realized that everything is connected. She also learns that the sapphire is a crucial component here. Saanvi decides that, since Eagan had a Calling about Adrian, they should test him and try to regenerate and enhance the Calling in order to save Adrian’s life. Eagan begrudgingly agrees and he shows up at the lab, where Vance gives him a rather frosty reception. The experiment is a failure, although Eagan does claim to see a bright light momentarily. ..

The Turkish renamed Mount Ararat, which is where they found the fragments of Noah’s Arc and the sapphire. And of course, this is precisely the sapphire that Saanvi got rid of.

Police race in and manage to save Adrian before Noelle drowns him in front of Angelina, spewing lines about sinning and saving him. That night, Zeke has a strange feeling that the killer is nearby and encourages Olive to lock the doors. She does this just in time, and decides to open it up for a random police officer whom she lets in, claiming there’s an intruder lurking around. Olive locks the door just as Adrian is about to drown. Zeke senses that someone is nearby and encourages her to let the officer in so they can catch the killer. ..

The officer in Angelina’s dad’s disguise is trying to kill her so that he can show her that she is not a guardian angel. Thankfully, they manage to thwart his threat and Angelina’s dad is out the window.

While TJ returns to Olive after a long absence, Eagan shows up and decides to go on the hunt for this Omega Sapphire, deciding to volunteer at a soup kitchen. As the camera pans up, we see that the building has “Masonic Temple of the Omega Order” written in capitals across the top.

The Episode Review

The showrunners have been coy about what the true cause of the plane disappearances is, but it’s clear that they want to explore all possible theories. So far, we’ve heard that sapphire may be a factor, but there are also reports that the plane may have been sabotaged or hijacked. We don’t know for sure and we won’t until we get more information from the showrunners themselves. But until then, this is all we have.

So far this season, the show has been light on answers and focused on melodramatic set pieces. Hopefully the final two episodes can pick up the pace and provide more answers. ..