
Gina wakes up in hospital after a night of partying. She’s still reeling from the events of the night before, and decides to leave for Georgia’s house to clear her head. However, she gets a call from her friend Leni, who is in trouble. Leni tells Gina that she was attacked by someone, but she can’t remember who it was. Gina goes to Georgia’s house to check on Leni, only to find out that her sister has lied and planted the knife in her car so that Gina would leave with no evidence. In the end, Gina finds out that everything was just a set-up and she’s safe now.

Leni is convinced that her sister, Gina, has framed her for a crime. She brings up how convenient and quickly the pictures of her meeting with Payne came through. This leads Floss to investigate Gina too. So now we have both sisters in custody, and we flit back and forth between the two, as Floss tries to make sense of what’s been happening between them. ..

Leni is the one who started the fire in the church. She is not sure if her twins are using their identical looks to deceive and confuse others or if they are just pretending to be different people. From the church fire, we move onto the elephant in the room - Leni’s plan to create a fake family.

Victor is called in to see both girls, Floss watches their interactions intently on the monitors. She’s intrigued to see exactly how the girls react. However, Paula shows up with big news. It turns out the DNA prints have come back and both Dylan and Gina’s DNA is all over the cabin. Floss is taken aback, especially as she expected it to be Leni’s, while the CCTV footage hints at big holes in Gina’s story.

Gina admits that she and Leni have been switching lives every year on their birthday, and Floss has no choice but to free both women, given she has no idea who’s telling the truth. However, Floss promises to come after them both when she works out what’s really happening. ..

Leni and Jack have been through a lot lately. Leni has been lying to him for years, and it’s really destroyed their lives. Their personal and business relationships have also been affected. Jack is so angry that he kicks Leni out and wants her to never see Mattie again.

Claudia is not happy with Gina for pointing out that her friend, Leni, was responsible for knocking her over in the past. She’s also not happy given what’s happened between them recently.

Gina arrives at the scene of Victor’s collapse and tries to call for help. However, Victor stops her and apologizes for what’s happened in the past. He knows she was there when the unthinkable happened.

Leni remembers the flashes of the bath. It seems like Victor drowned her mother in there, given his last words to Gina are that it’s “what she wanted.” As Victor passes away, Leni shows up and learns what’s happened to their father. She’s shocked and decides to concoct a plan to explain away Victor’s death. I mean, I’m not sure why to be honest given Victor’s deteriorating health is common knowledge in these parts but whatever.

Leni tells Gina that she stabbed Dylan in self-defence, but the girls continue to argue and the fire spreads. Leni tells Gina that she wants to leave, but the flames continue to lick hungrily across the house.

The Episode Review

Echoes is struggling to justify playing its hand early on, with material that doesn’t really resolve anything. We see how damaging the whole thing has been for Jack and the others but in terms of plot and character development, there’s really not a whole lot of it here.

Despite its flaws, “The Watch” is still watchable. This finale may hint at a more explosive conclusion to the story, but whether that will be enough to elevate this thriller remains to be seen. ..